Chapter 11

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(Hannah's POV)

I have to get out! My life depends on it! Literally!

"HELP!!!" my screams pierced threw the water.

If anyone was here, they would definitely hear me.

I looked around for anymore escape routes I turned around to where my back was facing the door. I scooted towards the window again. I'm sure Harry can fix it if he really wants to.

I started to bang my head on it and then I kicked it. My chair flipped over, forcing me to come with it. Great. Now I'm laying on my back underwater. No more breath.


What was that? I swear if this treehouse is breaking and I fall then ill die from a broken back bone.


My eyes widened at the second noise.

"Herro?" My 'hello?' didn't come out right underwater.


Okay I get it! I'm scared now.


The door busted open and the water came pouring out as people in big black suits and helmets hung on to the side of the treehouse trying not to fall in the water. On their chest it read in big, bold, white letters, 'SWAT'

I screamed when I saw that they were coming towards me.

"It's ok Hannah. We're here to save you." I studied hard on the black helmet covering the guys face. The others stood back with guns in their hands just waiting.

I looked through the helmet's black, bullet proof glass and smiled.

It was Harry.

(Harry's POV)


What did Amber do to her?

Amber was long gone. Cops and police dogs are searching for her but she left no clues.

Hannah smiled whilst blood came from her nose, mouth and a little from her eyes.

I carefully untied her hands and feet and her move was unexpected.

She leaped from her seat and embraced me tightly. Honestly, I expected her to run away.

I hugged her back and took off my helmet.

"Thank you Harry. For everything. I can never repay you." She whispered into my ear.

"Yes you can." I grinned.

"How?" she asked.

I pecked her cheek and she blushed.

"That's how." I smiled.

Her smile grew wider and she smashed her lips to mine.

It was very unexpected and the SWAT team left the treehouse leaving us alone.

"Your welcome." she giggled.

"I have a surprise for you." I smirked.

"Uh oh I'm scared." she teased.

"If your ready, I planned a camping trip with the boys and maybe if you came then they would get to know you better?" my statement turned into a question at the end.

"I would love to Harry." she tightly embraced me again.

"I'd do anything for my hero." she whispered.

Hero is a new word. Ill have to get use to that.

(Nialls POV)

Louis sat back in a chair while Zayn, Liam, Harry and I did all the work. Hannah was a big help! She literally pounded the nails into the tent on the side. To keep it up.

"If any wolves or bears come and this tent falls. I'm telling them to take you guys first and I'm making a run for it." Hannah giggled but was very serious.

"Well then I'm going to hope that no wolves or bears come and that this tent doesn't fall down." Liam stated.

"I agree with Liam!" Zayn laughed.

Harry walked up to me and dragged me off to the side.

"So, what do you think of Hannah?" Harry asked me.

"She's funny and very helpful. I thought she would be no help and have a purse and a heels on or something. I didn't think that she would be wearing black skinny jeans and a T-shirt." I honestly spoke.

"Haha yeah. She doesn't like dresses or heels or purses usually." he chuckled.

"How did she get that black eye though?" I asked curiously.

"Uhh, you'll have to ask her that. I don't feel comfortable saying. I don't know if I'm aloud to tell anybody." Harry muttered.

"Oh okay lad." I smiled and went back to the now finished tent.

"Aye! It's finished!" Harry chirped.

"Come over here lads!" I yelped.

"Okay!" they all ran over and Hannah studied the tent.

"You can come too Hannah." I smiled.

"No I'm fine." she smiled back.

"Okay, Now lads gather round!" I squealed in excitement.

They all gathered around and got ready for the picture.

I held up the camera and flashed a pic.

"Uh guys?" Hannah asked.

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