Chapter 4. A night at Bradley's place

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Songs for this chapter are:
Heaven by Julia Micheals
Beautiful crazy by Luke Combs

Malory's POV
As Bradley lays above me, all I can think about is how handsome he looks. Why didn't I notice this before? Or maybe it's just my libido taking the better part of me. I mean, for two whole years, I have never looked at Bradley and thought of him to be handsome. The only way I could describe him is fun.
"Mal, I'm right here. No need to fantasize over someone you can have whenever you choose" his voice snaps me from my little trans. That smug grin on his face is only making matters worse. I need to get him off of me before I loose the little oxygen in my lungs.
He immediately wakes up, and asks me to scoot over, so he can sit. "Sorry, I almost forgot you like your personal space," ohhh that. I remember I once told him I'm claustrophobic, which is true, but the fact that he remembers, I can't help but blush.
"I love the way you listen to me, even when I am convinced you aren't paying attention. I love the fact that you are a good listener," I blurt out.
He laughs softly, taking his drink from the table, he sips a little and sets it down back.
"And I love how you go from asking stupid random questions to demanding deep soul searching questions," stupid questions? Is he serious? I don't ask stupid questions.
"I love how you work hard for the things you want, and don't give up when it gets tough," after I say this, he turns to look at me again, right into my eyes, like he's searching to see if I'm being sarcastic or something.
"I am myself when I'm with you. I don't need to be funny, I don't need to be cautious about what I say, I just need to be me," Bradley states as he pulls me into a hug.
As my head rests against his hard chest, I take deep breathes. I could just rest here, sleep in his arms. It's been a tough day anyways.
"I love the way you smell. I'm not into hugs and all that, but I'd be in your arms in a second just to get that sweet masculine scent of yours,"
I can picture his smug smile right now. If there's anybody who loves compliments, it's Bradley. I lift up my head from his chest and look up, and I'm right. I'm beginning to know and predict his actions.
"I love your lips, your body, and every inch of you" Bradley states and crashes his lips on mine.
After a few seconds, I take over with my tongue, asking for entrance which he grants immediately.
My growling stomach is what stops this blissful kiss. I had already forgotten that I've not really eaten anything since morning.
"Is that your body's way of demanding more?" He jokes. Now this is embarrassing. With totally red chicks, I punch his arm playfully, which makes his laugh increase.
"I'll whip something up for you to eat," who wouldn't want to be spoiled like this? If this was Ethan, he'd ask me to make something for him to eat.
Bradley's friends always complimented his cooking skills. But this is yet the first time I'm going to taste something he cooked.
After eating and doing the dishes, Bradley and I sit to watch a movie on Netflix. I run over to get the Tv remote first, so I get to choose the movie. I know Bradley won't want to watch a romantic movie, and I'm totally in the mood to piss him off for a few minutes.
I start with Mowgli which makes his face turn into a scowl and he demands that I change it. We search through many other movies, and decide to settle on friends with benefits.
I've already watched this movie at least twice. But this time, I just want to watch his reaction as the movie goes on.
Before the movie goes even half way through, I fall asleep. I feel Bradley's hands on me, as he pulls me down, placing my head on his thighs. I move a little, just to get more comfortable, and he gently caresses my face and hair.
As soon as I wake up, I check the time. It's eleven pm already, and I can't go back right now. It's late, and I wouldn't want to bother Bradley, asking him to go see me off while he is clearly busy with work.
"Urgh it's so late. Why didn't you wake me up? I demand.
"You were sleeping so peacefully, didn't want to interrupt that," I can just sleep here. This will be my first time spending the night at his place, but he has asked me to spend the night here so many times before.
Wait, I've got school tomorrow!
What am I really going to do? And I was told people get mugged on this street a lot. This is bad. This is really bad.
"I'll just spend the night here, and leave early in the morning so I can go prepare for school," silence. He just sits there acting like he didn't hear what I just said. "If you're okay with it, I mean," I add.
"Sure," he says nonchalantly. Why does it feel like I'm forcing myself where I'm not wanted? I'd bet this is how Elizabeth felt every time Mr. Darcy displayed his pride in pride and prejudice.
Well this will be awkward.
I head into the kitchen and get a glass of orange juice, and head to his bedroom where I'll spend the night.
Of course I'll spend the night in his bed. I'll not sleep on an uncomfortable couch just because Bradley is rude.
I take out my phone and search for something to read, just so I can fall asleep soon.
In the depth of the night, I can feel Bradley's fingers roaming around my body. I'm not going to scream or react a certain way. I'll just go ahead and pretend to be sleeping, he'll surely get tired and stop.
I have known Bradley for two years now, and one thing I know for sure is that he will never force me to do anything I don't want to.
Fingers around my breast, he's getting really close to my nipples. What do I do? What do I do now?
I turn and lay flat on my stomach, and make sure  he can see my face clearly. I'm just going to keep pretending I'm asleep, maybe that will make him stop.
Just when I am finally falling asleep again, I feel his hands around my thigh. The only thing I do this time is shake it off. Well that finally makes him stop.
I notice he's waking up from the bed.
I really love my friendship with Bradley, and the last thing I want to do is make it all weird and awkward.
After what feels like two hours, Bradley comes back to bed and sleeps till the next morning without touching me even once. I can't believe it worked.
I wake up and check the time on my phone and it reads 6:00am and it's Monday. I rush to the bathroom and wash my face. Classes start at 7:30am. I can't afford to be late for this class. Miss. Eunice will use me as the topic of the day if I'm late for her class again.
After washing my face, I write a short note and place on Bradley's nightstand telling him I had fun yesterday, and that I'm going to school, but will call him later.
The week runs by very slowly, but I've been very busy with school work that I wasn't able to upload anything on my blog today. The fact that Bradley is neither replying to my texts nor picking my calls makes the week even more tedious.
We have never gone this long without talking or seeing each other. Maybe he's sick, maybe he is out of town, or did he loose his phone? I don't think so. Bradley is too careful to do something that callous.
I think I'm going to pay him a visit. It's Saturday after all, and he just may be home.
I go through my wardrobe, and decide to wear a crop top and my sweat pants and my chanel slippers.
Belle often tells me my style is boring, or the colors I like are too dark, or my clothes look ugly. I just like wearing whatever I'm comfortable in, and now, sweatpants are just what I need after a week of wearing tight skirts and trousers and get a cab to Bradley's house.
When I ring the bell about five times with no response, I take out my phone to call him. Nothing. His phone should be off.
I find this little boy on the stairs on my way down. He should be about seven years old. He looks so happy, bright brown and beautiful eyes that melt the heart. All I can think of is Nathalie. I cant wait to have her, so I can make her this happy.
"Hey little boy, how are you?"
"I'm fine thank you," he replies with this soft and sweet voice.
"Do you know if Bradley is home? The guy who lives in the apartment just above us," I ask him.
"Yes, he went out with my mummy to buy some things" he says while handing me a pair of keys.
I'm astonished. Does Bradley have a son? And he has never told me about it? Now I see the resemblance.

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