Why is this happening?

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Nagisa P.O.V.

It's been a year since I presented as an alpha. But my parents have been treating me as if I was an omega. And I have no idea why. I have scars and bruises all over my body. I have to hide them when I go to school, because people would ask what happened, and who would believe a six-year-old who said his parents abuse him because they think he should be an omega when he's actually an alpha? No one. That's why I'm in such a bad position. Everyone thinks it's fine, because of the mask I'm forced to wear when I'm out. They all think I'm the perfect little subservient omega. Well people, I'm not. I can't even get out of this situation, because they would find me, and punish me. I... can't do this. It all hurts. It always has. I'm still... broken.

~Time Skip 4 years~

I'm ten now. I haven't had a birthday party in my life. I barely even know what one is. But they are supposed to be fun, so when a kid in my class invited me to her birthday party, I accepted joyfully. Now I just have to get my parents to let me go. That will be a nightmare. 


"Hey! Nagisa! Would you like to go to my birthday party on Saturday?" A frog-like girl from my class asked. I think her name is Asui.

"I would love to! I just have to...." I trailed off. "Get my parents to let me go".

She didn't seem to notice my hesitation. "Alright! Come to my house at 3:00 if you can go!"

~Flashback end~

I walked up the front steps of my house, and stopped. The house is in terrible shape. I wish I could say something, but then one of... Them... would make me clean it up. All alone. Without tools.

I walked into the house slowly, and saw my parents asleep on the couch. I waited there for them to wake up, and then remembered that they always wanted me to make dinner for them, like a proper omega, so I went and made some katsudon, just so they didn't get mad at me. When they woke up, I decided to ask them.

"Hey mom?"

"What is it omega"

Ouch that hurt. "Could I go to my friend's birthday party on Saturday?"


I cowered in the corner as she began to hit me. Then my father joined in, hitting me with the weapons he could create. I accumulated more scars in 5 minutes than most people get in their entire lives. Then, my father pulled his knife across my face, from ear to ear, right over the bridge of my nose. He did it again. I had two bloody cuts across my face. 

I was crying. 

They were laughing.

Before, I felt sorry for whoever gets me as a mate. Now, I just believe that I won't even have a mate. Because, you know, I'm Broken.

TokoShoji x Male! OC (soulmates) (Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now