chapter 3 - nearly got heated and party of my dreams

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I woke up confused, I didn't really remember where I was at first. Then I remembered I was staying at Scott's place tonight and I could hear people down stairs. I looked at the clock and it said 11:37 am, SHIT! I didnt Skype my mom and Ellie last night either! I quickly got my laptop and Skyped them and explained why i didnt the previos night for about 45 minutes then I went downstairs for late brunch. Me and Jess then went shopping, it was amazing! Shopping in such a large city was so different to what I'm used to in a small town in Ohio. By the time we got back and I'd had my dinner, Scott was at the door waiting for me. I said bye to my 'roommates' and headed out the door.

When we got to Scotts house we sat down and watched a movie while eating snacks, we them got ready for bed. I got into some little P.J shorts and a tank top - i always sleep like this, oh and my hair in a top~knot~bun if you were curious. I then climbed into bed with Scott who was shirtless and looked really sexy. "I love you" I said to what I thought was Scott asleep, but he was awake. "I love you too baby" He said in a tired raspy voice."

He then leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back passionately. 'our relationship is perfect' I thought. He kissed my neck and we ran our fingers through each others hair and he asked me if I would have sex with him. I refused because I haven't lost my virginity yet and I guess I'm just saving it for the right person and moment. I kind of want it to be like... Perfect, not just a random night with a guy that I'm having arguments with constantly. Then we both fell asleep next to each other in his bed and it was great!

The next morning I woke up to what I thought was Scotts tired morning voice and sure enough it was.

Scott:" Wakeup sleepy head!" He said softly while nudging me gently.

Me:"Agggh, I'm awake, I'll be down in a minute," I said smirking timidly.

I went down stairs and saw Scott making eggs for breakfast. I immediately thought of Joey (Graceffa) because he has eggy-anyas for breakfast with a smoothie most days. Scott was also shirt less, and Joey always vlogs shirtless in the mornings.

Scott:" What you day dreaming bout' pumpkin?"

Me:" Nothing, erm yeh just...nothing."

Scott:" Doesn't look like nothing! Oh, and Jess called and asked when you were going back because apparently you've got something to plan? And can I just ask where my invite is?!?"

Me:" Oh yea, totally forgot about that so you up for it?"

Scott:" Yeah we'll eat breakfast and then I'll drop you off at your place and then I'll be round about 8pm?"

Me:" Yea that's great!" I replied.

Then we ate our eggy-anyas and he dropped me off at home and said he'll see me later.

When I got inside I saw that Jess was asleep on the sofa with all her makeup on so she must have been up, and I heard a weird noise coming from upstairs. Then I realised it was Zoe and Matt getting it on! I could hear Zoe's moans and Matts grunts perfectly. And from all the way down stairs! I ignored it and tried to wake up Jess because it was nearly 12pm already and we hadn't aranged where the drinks were coming from or anything yet. A couple of hours later after having our lunch at taco bell and Zoe and Matt finally coming down stairs, we called and asked for 50 non alcoholic drinks and 50 alcaholic drinks. I didn't know if they all drank, but there was gonna be people aged 21/22 here. We all went to go and get ready and I took a shower, blow dryed my hair and got into a white and gold pencil dress. I thought I looked quite good to be honest! I also did my hair in a Zoella style ponytail since my hair is long and suits the style well.

I put some picnic style foods out on the table and played some pretty loud music. Then within a blink of an eye everyone was here, I was getting on really well with everybody and some people even brought me presents! Then i went to the bathroom to sort my hair and makeup out, when I came down stairs it looked like there was double the amount of people here. I looked down the stairs and there was people making out, people fihgting , half the drinks that I'd payed for myself knocked over. It was complete chaos! And then I was just about to turf everyone out and say 'go home' when I saw some people I recognised immediately. I went down stairs and walked passed them to see if I was seeing things, I wasn't .

'Is that kalel and Anthony?' I asked myself . And it was! I was freaking out and I went over to Zoe who for once wasn't with Matt, and said:

Me:" Do you watch YouTube videos? Like at all?"

Zoe:" Yeah why?"

Me:" Because over there are Kalel and Anthony!!!"

Zoe:" Yes I know, their our neighbours..."

Me:" Are you kidding me?!? How come you didn't tell all me this sooner!?!"

Zoe:" Because I didn't even know you watched YouTube!"

Me:" Yes I do! In fact I love it, and I'm actually kind of addicted to Joey Graceffa!"

Zoe laughed and walked away. What do I do?!? Do I fangirl over them? No I would look like a creep. So I i went up to them and had a general convo with them, I can't even explain how hard it was! But I was going to have to get over it because after all they are my neighbours!

The next thing I realised was that Scott still wasnt here and its 8:30pm, he was supposed to be here half an hour ago! I called him but there was no answer. Maybe he was stuck in traffic?

Then I looked over the ever-growing crowd and saw someone with mint coloured hair. I just thought to my self it can't be... But it was. Tyler Oakley was at MY party! I knew I couldnt keep calm with this one ... I thought I was gonna pass out. I laugh at his videos uncontrollably and I love him!!! Fuck my life, I cant even. He is my fuckng queen!!! My whole body was shaking, Tyler Oakley is in MY house!!!!!!!! SHIT. I am a total fangirl!

I walked through the crowd and saw a girl that I recognised by her hair. She turned around and smiled at me. It was MEGHAN CAMERENA!!! WHAT THE FUCK? Does that mean Joey's here? No it cant , wait their room mates. Oh well it doesn't mean he's here forget about it. I probably wouldn't be able to deal with been in the same room as him, infact I knew I couldnt. I walked into the kitchen feeling a little dizzy after having 3 alcoholic drinks and only ever been tipsy twice before in my life. I walked to the table to try and balance myself out with a non-alcoholic drink and some pizza. I walked over to the table, and took a bite of a slice of ham and pineaple pizza and ... Threw up. And nearly all over the person next to me. But he moved out of the way, I looked up hoping it was Matt so it wouldn't be as awkward. But it wasn't. I passed out on the floor, I woke up and felt dizzy and thought I was hallucinating. IT WAS JOEY GRACEFFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell? How embarrassing! He was my absolute hero and he just saw me spue!!! I burst out crying and locked myself in the bathroom.

"Amelia its Jess, please will you let me in so you can explain what happened?"

I unlocked the door and wiped the mascara dripping from under my eyes, I was to upset to control myself.

Jess:"what happened?"

Me:"i, w-was a little bit dr-drunk and i-i vomited. But then Joey Gra-Graceffa was right nex-next to m-me!" I said in between sobs.

Jess:"who's Joey Graceffa? And why did you pass out?" She said in a concerned tone of voice, I was a little a calmer by now.

Me:" he's my favorite youtuber and I'm completely obsessed with him! Also Tyler oakley 's here and Meghan Camerena, and Kalel and Anthony!

Jess:" Well why don't we go down stairs and talk to these people?"

I agreed and we went down stairs, every one looked at me and cheered 'WELCOME TO L.A!!!" Happily. Everything was happy and forgotten about.

I then went round the YouTuber's leaving the best uniII last (tyler then Joey last!) I nearly passed out talking to Joey Graceffa but I just managed to force my words out. As I was talking to him he smirked at me and then asked for my number. Of course I gave him it I'm not an idiot... Most of the time. After all Scott hasn't even turned up, its only a number, right? It doesnt men anything. And then he also asked if I had a YouTube channel, I said yes and he said he'd check it out and subscribe if he liked the videos. So far I only had some tag-kind-of videos up and I hope he likes them! I actually couldn't believe my look! He was talking to ME!!!

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