Authors Note

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Hiiiiii! Thank you for clicking on my story and hopefully giving it a chance.

Here's a quick more in debt summary of this story:

Emily's twin, Emma, died due to a car crash. Emily is broken and hurt, but then she remembers what her twins last words were. Emma told Emily about a note she left behind. Once Emily is sure she can find the note she starts the search. Along the way, she meets this mysterious boy who has many of his own secrets.

This story is about growing and becoming who you're meant to be, this story shows that we can never fully be healed after we lose someone we love, but just because we can't fully heal doesn't mean that our wound needs to stay open forever. There is no easy way to deal with a loved one passing, but of course Emily didn't know that till the better half of her died.

Okay so you already know the typical things that authors say but I'll quickly remind you!!

This story is written by me. These are my characters and my plot. I did NOT steal any of this.

I don't want to put up a cast and who I think would play the characters because I want you to imagine them how you think they would look, besides the obvious descriptions that are added in the story. I don't want to mess with your imagination, so feel free to picture the characters however you want, even if I didn't describe them like that. I want to make sure that you all feel free to image whatever y'all want.

NO PLAGIARISM! It's illegal... I worked hard on this and it would really suck if someone stole my hard work. Many of you who are authors understand this and those of you who are not, please respect my hard work and all the time that it has taken for me to complete this, and every other story.

I have recently gotten myself an editor and I'm excited because once she fixes my mistakes the story will be a lot more fun to read, thank you Alex!

The first few chapters are rough, but I promise, the story gets better as I grow as a writer, I'm not going to fix the rough chapters until I am completely done with the story. There are few cliches, which I'm sorry about but some cliches are actually hard to avoid, and I tried my best to keep it at a minimum.

Please, don't comment hurtful things. Words hurt and I'm a very sensitive person. If you want to comment on my mistakes so I can edit, then, thank you, but please correct me politely. I love feedback and it would mean the world to me if you would be so kind and add some:)

Thank you for giving my story a chance! And I hope you enjoy!

With lots of love, emma<3

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