Chapter 33

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Song for this chapter I'll Always Remember You by Hannah Montana. I'm not sorry to say that I love Hannah Montana. That was back when Disney Channel still made good shows.


"Happy birthday!" All my friends scream at once. I thought this birthday would be one that I didn't want to celebrate. I lost so much but I also gained so much. I learned how to live. I learned how to love. I learned that family isn't always necessarily blood. Family are the people who are there for you no matter what. They're the ones that make your life worth living. They find a way to make your life worth living even when you've lost everything you've ever loved. After the day on the beach I ended up drawing Dean, Mack, Dan, and Xander altogether for my art project. They're the people I love. The ones I can't live without. They're my family. But so is my brother. And I'm going to find him because I want to expand my family.

"Thank you guys." I say as I walk into Dean's apartment, where they threw the party, I sit on Dean's lap. I whisper in his ear, "Best birthday ever. Oh and I love you." After I said it on the beach, I can't stop saying it. I want him to know and remember that I love him, so much.

He smiles, "I love you too." He puts his hand in mine.

"Get a room before I barf." Lia says as she takes the seat on the couch next to us. "Oh hi, I'm his new roommate."

"She's met you before Lia."

"Yeah but now you and I are roommates she didn't know that." She then whispers in my ear, "If you break his heart I'll break your face."

I look at her then Dean, "I'm not going to break his heart."

She rolls her eyes, "That's what they all say." She stands up and walks away.

"Is it okay that she scares me?"

"Yeah totally normal. She scares off all my girlfriends." He looks at my panicked face. "Kidding!" I nod. I hope so. But I don't even think that Lia could scare me away.

Mack walks over to us, "Hey lovebirds, Dean stop hogging the birthday girl. She was mine before she was yours." He laughs. "Dude I'm not joking." She sits on the couch where Lia was a few minutes ago. She pats her lap. "Come on. My turn. Sit here." I obey but I can't stop laughing. "Okay listen to me. You're eighteen now, you can get arrested so please don't do anything stupid. And stay away from minors." I gasp, and she laughs so hard. I slap her. "Kidding! Kind of." Her, Xander, and I are completely fine now. Which makes me feel good because I didn't want to be the reason that they broke up."Now, when are we going to start the search for your brother. Oh my God what if he's hot."

"You have a boyfriend."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Ugh, that's just an obstacle I can pass." I look at her like she's crazy. "Kidding again!" I hope so.

Dean stands up and walks to Lia. Xander takes his spot on the couch. "Hey beautiful ladies." Mack gives him an evil eye. "Too soon?" She nods. "Hey beautiful lady and Em." That makes me laugh. "Happy birthday Em. Now we can get arrested together!"

"Wow, lucky me. I would love to share a jail cell with you but, I just don't think that I would actually like sharing a jail cell."

"Aw, why not?"

"You snore too much." I say flicking his nose.

"I know you're underweight and stuff but you're hurting my lap. Oh I have a better idea. Dean! Come here. Let your girlfriend sit on your lap." He runs over to the couch and takes Mack's spot and Mack sits on Xander's lap. "Oh my God, we are so going on double dates. Think of how much fun that could be. Well it'll be more fun once you get that off." She points toward my cast. "Five weeks left,right?" I nod. Mack could literally have a conversation by herself. "Dean I love your apartment. It's super nice and it's really big. Xander stop adjusting your legs that's hurting my ass. Emily did you dye your hair?" She doesn't give me a chance to answer. "Nevermind, just the lighting. Wait since you're eighteen you can get implants. Well I know you don't want them but I do. Not for you Xander. For me." She takes a sip of water. "So what's the plan on finding Hernandez number one? Should we do something like ancestry? Or like look him up. Oh wait we don't know if that's still his name. Emma was never good at providing her sources with evidence. Just like her essays in high school, they were pathetic. Like Xander's kissing." She started cracking up. "Kidding! Oh my God you should've seen your face, you got so red. I need to pee, be right back."

"She talks a lot." Dean says.

"Yeah she does." I agree.

"There's no way to shut her up," Xander adds. The three of us laugh. That's true. "What colleges are you looking at Dean?"

"Well I'm hoping to stay in Florida so I'm looking at UM, FAU, FIU, and UCF. How about you?"

"Pretty much the same as you, except I'm not applying to FIU." Xander tells Dean.

My mind has been so occupied that I haven't really thought about college. But then again, we're only in November, I have time. Not all the time in the world but I have enough. Just like I have enough love and laughter in my life. I may have bad memories but my good ones are starting to outweigh the not so good ones. I didn't think that was possible, but now I know. I know that people that you love can keep you happy and positive and alive. They help you live. But I didn't truly know that until I lost my twin and my mom. But they died so I could find my brother. They died to make sure I could make things right, and I will. I will make things right. I'm going to find my brother. And he's going to be my family along with my friends and boyfriend. They're enough for me. I don't need anyone else except Ethan. And I will find him. No matter what.


That's it. That's the end of this road, or at least we just stopped at a traffic light. See you next time:)

Lots of love, emma<333333

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