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Song for this chapter is Say Something by A Great Big World


"Okay when we go to the mall we are so getting this eye shadow palette, it looks amazing on you!" Emma, my twin, squeals.

"Are you sure? You know I don't really like makeup," I tell her as she puts mascara on me.

"Just because you don't wear it doesn't mean it doesn't make you look even more beautiful," she says to me as I laugh.

"Girls!" My mom screams, "Are you guys ready yet? Mackenzie's dinner party starts at 7:45. It's 7:49."

Emma and I look at each other at the same time and laugh. We are never on time for anything, but isn't that the whole point of life?

As Emma stands up and puts her high heels on she does a quick glance in the mirror and her curls of hair fall in her face, she brushes them away with her pedicured hand. "Do these heels look funny with this?" She asks as she points to her dress.

"No, it looks great, you look fabulous," I tell her, "but we should seriously hurry up because Mackenzie is going to kill us for being late, especially for her birthday."

She laughs, "Mack can wait. Plus, isn't the restaurant like five minutes away? We'll probably be one of the first people there."

That is just one example of how Emma and I are very different. I tend to be uptight and quieter, while Emma is a more 'live in the moment' kind of girl. We are fraternal twins so while she has black curly hair and blue eyes I have blonde straight hair and dark brown eyes. My dad always tells us that it doesn't matter if we look or act differently, what does matter is that we must both be kind to people (and the world), and we will get what we deserve in return.

As we head downstairs Emma quickly reapplies her blood-red lipstick. "Wow finally, your mother and I thought you guys were never going to come down," my dad says as he picks up the car keys then takes my mom's hand and kisses it. I've always loved how my parents treated each other, it makes me want what they have, someday.

Once we get in the car we have our daily debate about what music to play. Since my mom's birthday is in two weeks, she gets to choose. Of course, she plays some inspirational Christian music. Don't get me wrong, I love God and trust him, but the music isn't exactly my type.

Seconds later, the next thing I hear is my mom yelling at my dad to watch out. As soon as the car hits us my head slams into my window and I see Emma fly out of the car.


Once I wake up, I realize I'm in a hospital. The beeping makes it obvious enough. My mom is sitting next to me. "They said you just have a concussion, a broken ankle, and some broken ribs." She told me immediately. I can definitely feel the broken ribs, it hurts to breathe. And the concussion feels like that one time I got so drunk I had a hangover for thirty-two hours. My mind travels to my sister.

"How about Emma?" I ask while my mom hugs me. "Is she okay?"

"She's getting out of surgery in one hour." My mom says as she starts crying, and I start to do so with her. Surgery? Doesn't that mean that her injuries are bad? Of course, my mind travels to the worse-case-scenario. Death. Is she going to die?

"Is she going to be okay? What happened and why is she in surgery? And what about dad?"

"God willing she will be okay, when the car hit us they hit Emma's and your dad's side of the car sh-she flew out of the car, she didn't have her seat belt on, she cracked her head open and her leg was pierced with metal. Your father is bruised but besides that he's fine. And I just broke my wrist." My mother tells me as she lifts her wrist for me to see. She continues talking and saying things that don't matter one bit at this moment.

My mind just keeps going back to watching Emma fly out of the window. The glass shattering. The sound of the other car hitting us. My screams. Wait, did I scream, or was that someone else? I don't know, I can't remember.

I look down at my hospital gown and the cast on my ankle. I examine my arms and move my fingers making sure I can feel everything, I know I'm just paranoid, but I don't want the doctors to miss anything. I see a dark purple bruise peak from the top of the gown, it must be where the seat belt hit.

I try getting up but my broken ribs make that a little hard. "I have to see her."

"I'll ask the doctors if we can get you into a wheelchair to see her." My mom says as she moves a strand of hair out of my face. "But babe, this may be hard with your condition."

I shake my head. "No, my condition is better than her's so I have to go, she would. She would come the second she woke up, I'm already not as good." My voice cracks. "Please mom, I need to see her." The tears are warm and salty running their way down by face. 


Once they get me to Emma, she has just woken up from her surgery. "Hey," she says with a small smile. "So apparently I have one more surgery," she pauses, "and maybe I should wear my seat belt more often."

We both laugh. "Yeah maybe you should, and you'll be fine, the Hernandez's can get through anything," I tell her with a smile.

"Hey Em," she says.


"In case anything happens look for my note. I wrote it  one day just incase but now the possibilities seem more real. And I love you, and mom, and dad." She says to me with a tear slipping from her eye.

I try to form a smile, "Don't talk like that. Nothing is going to-" her whole body starts to shake and doctors start running in.

"She's having a seizure and heart failure," one of the doctors yells. I grab her hand, but the young nurse in blue scrubs pushes me, and my wheelchair, out of the room. She mumbles a bunch of things that I can't hear or process.

Come on Emma.

"Her heart stopped," another doctor yells as I wait impatiently outside. I shiver because the hall has a sudden coolness to it. I try to think of a world where Emma isn't alive, but I just can't do it.

Come on Em, you can't leave me. Not today, not ever. No, no, no.

My mind goes back to thinking of the worst possibilities, and that's a world without Emma. A world without her is like a world without light. I close my eyes and whisper meaningless words that some people call a prayer. I wish for Emma and her healing. I wish for her heart to keep beating. I wish for a world that Emma remains. But the flatline machine makes those wishes impossible. It makes that prayer have no meaning. Because Emma's gone, and I'll never see her again.

Ever again.


Soooooo what did you think? I love feedback so feel free to say what you want especially if there are errors!

With lots of love, emma:)

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