Chapter 13-Pain

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Elsa's P.O.V.:

When we went into Rapunzel's room it was horrible. She was lying on her bed, unconcious, with Hiccup tneding to her. She had huge, bleeding cuts on her wrists, her neck and her waist. She was as white as as sheet, a sheen of sweat covering her face, there was a blue mark on her forehead, and there was clotted blood in her hair. Hiccup was treating her wounds and there was something pale green coming from his finger tips. "What's he doing?" I whispered to Jack. "He's healing her. He has a healing power, as well as the ability to connect to dragons." He replied in a completly factual way. I did a double take, but didn't question it. Right then, anything was possible.

When Hiccup was finished, he stood up, picked up a red First Aid Kit and came over to us, crowded in the doorway. I looked behind him at the white, bloody, sweaty figure lyng on the bed that was surprisingly, Rapunzel. Jack slid his arm over my shoulders and held me close. "How's she doing?" Merida asked Hiccup when he came to stand with them. He sighed and ran his hand through his tangled mop of dark and said, "Well, I've stopped the bleeding and I put an excelled healing spell into her blood stream, so she should start healing more quickly. And I picked this up off the floor." He reached into the medical kit and pulled out a blood stained, long, skinny bladed, sharp, double edged knife. Merida gasped and out her hands over her mouth. "What is it Merida?" Jack asked. "That's-that's her Mother's knife. Her mother used to threaten her with the knife and once cut her. On her back." Merida pointed to the spot on her own back. "She has a scar there. That's why she'll never wear a tank top without something else over the top to cover up her scar." I was on the verge of crying, but I stopped myself. "Ok," I said,"we now have multiple things to do." I brushed a lock of my fringe out of my eyes and continued."We now have to figure out Pitch's plan, find Anna, I need to be trained, we each have to sit down and explain all of our special powers, we need to heal Rapunzel and figure out why she would do this." Jack was staring at me again. I raised my eyebrows at him and he blinked and looked away. Merida and Hiccup both nodded. "Ok, so first things first, we all need to eat and figure out a plan of action." We all agreed and went down stairs. I went into the kitchen and made everyone toast with prefered toppings. Jack devoured his toast like it was his last meal. I rolled my eyes and ate mine slowly. I had accepted that he would never learn how to eat gracefully or without dropping half of it down his front, but dispite that, I still loved him. "So," Hiccup said, putting his empty plate on the coffee table and hiccuping, ironically, "what's the game plan?" he asked, looking at me. Merida and Jack looked at me as well. "Whoa, why are you all looking at me?"I asked. "Well," Merida said, "you were the one ten minutes ago going on about sorting out a plan of action, so, any ideas?" I thought for a minute and said,"Well, actually, I do have a plan." They all sat forward in their seats. "Here's the plan, Hiccup briefs us all on what's wrong with Rapunzel, how he's curing her and what to do in an emergency and then we all take it in turns to watch her, excluding me for reasons I will soon explain. The reason why I can't is because I still need training, so, what I propse is, that someone sits with Punzie, and keeps an eye on her, whilst someone trains me in their field of expertise and the other person does self training. And when Rapunzel's better, she can train me in her field." I looked at them and they were all nodding in agreement. "First though," I said,"I need to know what all your special talents and powers are." They looked at eachother and had a silent conversation. "Ok," Hiccup said,"as long as you're honest with us and tell us yours as well." I did a double take. "What makes you think I have a talent?" I asked. "Well," Merida said,"there's no way in hell that Pitch would go to all the trouble of kidnapping Anna unless you had something like a power he wanted." I nodded in agreement. "Fine, I'll come clean, but you guys go first." I said. Hiccup nodded and said,"Alright. Jack, you start." "Oh," he said, "she already knows mine. And I know hers." Hiccup rolled his eyes and said,"Ok, I'll go." He turned to me and said,"My name is Hiccup Horrendus-Haddock The Third, horrid name, but I deal with it. My powers are I can heal the sick and injured and I can communicate with dragons on a consious and subconsious level.My girlfriend is Merida, and I have a Father, Stoick The Vast, and I lost my Mother when I was just a baby. I have a pet dragon called Toothless." He looked at Merida, indicating for her to go next. She looked at me and said, "My name is Merida DunBroch, my powers are excellent fighting skills, especially archery, and I can create and control fire. I have a mother, called Elinor and a father called Fergus and triplet younger brothers, Harris, Hubert and Hamish. I have a pet Clydesdale horse called Angus. And Rapunzel's powers are her hair can heal the sick and injured and temperarily regenerate the eldery and she can influence people emotions and moods. She has a Mother, Gothel and she ran away from her and ran into Hiccup and I and our families temporarily adopted her. She has a pet chameleon called Pascal." She looked me in the eye and said, "Now your turn and be honest." I took a deep breath and said, "Ok, well my name is Elsa Arendelle, my power is I can create and control ice and snow, like Jack, except, I don't need a staff, I use my hands. I have a sister, Anna Arendelle, she doesn't have any powers to my knowledge, and our parents died three years ago in a car accident. A family member shipped us off to boarding school as soon as possible. We then met Jack and this happened." I said. They all noddded and then we heard a groan and a cry of pain and anguish from upstairs. It chilled me to the bone, which takes a lot as I don't feel the cold. Hiccup had already jumped out of his seat and was running, double-stepping up the stairs, Merida followed him. Jack and I glanced at eachother and quickly followed. my new boots carrying me up the stairs quickly. When I saw Rapunzel, it hurt. It, legit, felt like someone was tearing at my heart, and stabbing me in the gut. And I felt like it was all my fault.

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