Chapter 9-Fear

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When I woke up with someone's arm around me, I felt safe. Jack sighed and stretched. He propped himself up on one elbow and whispered in my ear, "Elsa? Are you awake?" I sighed, stretched and nodded. I looked over at Anna's bed and was shocked to see it empty. I was suddenly wide awake and I sat bolt upright. "Jack," I said placing one of my hands ontop of one of his, "Where the hell is Anna?" HIs eyes widened. There was a loud knock on the door. Jack bolted upright and nodded towards the door, signalling for me to answer it. I sighed and went to answer the door. I opened it, and someone stumbled through and neraly fell on the floor. I caught them just before they fell on the floor. I looked at the person in my arms and I gasped. It was Hiccup. He was bright red, sweaty and very out of breath. "Hiccup!" I exclaimed, nearly dropping him. Jack was suddenly beside me and hauling Hiccup over to my gaming chair. Hiccup collapsed into the chair and gave Jack a thumbs up. Hiccup was wearing an olive  green t-shirt, dark brown jeans and brown military style boots. His glasses were knocked askew and his hair tousled. Jack knealt down beside him. "Man, what happened? Why did you run over here?" "He. Has. Her." He said taking a huge breath between each word. Jack's eyes widened and his face, impossibly, became more pale. I could see the blue veins webbing his skin. "Pitch?" Jack asked in a strangled voice. Hiccup nodded. "Shit." Jack said. He ran his hands through his hair. He turned to me and said, "We really need to go." "What do you mean? Who's Pitch? Where's Anna?" I asked. "Look, I'll explain it all later, but right now, I need to get Hiccup back to our room, and get some things sorted, but first, I need to call the girls and get them to get some things done and do me a favour." He said, gripping my arms tight. He kissed my cheek and went to go and make a call. I looked over at Hiccup, who was slowly turning back to normal colour and was getting his breath back. Jack stood by my bed and was talking on the phone to someone. I heard the names "Merida" "Rapunzel" "Anna" and "Elsa". My heart contracted. Jack then hung up and came back over to us.  He turned to Hiccup and said. "They're on their way." Hiccup nodded. "Who is? What's going on?" I asked. "I can't say right now. It's not safe to talk about it now. I'll tell you later, I promise." He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back. There was knock on the door and I went to answer it. Standing at the door was Merida and Rapunzel. Merida was wearing dark blue jeans with a rip on one of the knees, a Coca Cola t-shirt, black military boots and a black jacket. She had a rucksack slung over her shoulder  and her red curly hair in a wild mane around her head. Rapunzel stood a little behind Merida. She wore a pale pink t-shirt, light blue jeans, beige military boots and a lilac jacket. She too had a rucksack slung over her shoulder. Her long blonde hair was tied in long, thick plait down her back. Merida nodded hi hand walked into my room. Rapunzel followed quickly. The girls nodded at Jack, Jack nodded back and he hauled Hiccup up and dragged him out the door, Hiccup supporting himself a bit more now hw was more rested. Merida turned to me and said, "Look, I can't tell you why we have to do this, it's not safe to talk about it right now. What you need to do is pack a bag with things that you need, like clothes and personal belongings. Ok? Go! Do it." I nodded and went to sort myself out. I tipped my school bag upside down on my bed and went to get some clothes. I picked ouut some clothes for travelling in. Some black jeans, a black t-shirt and my dark blue jacket. I turned to the girls and they turned around so I could change. When I had changed, I stuffed the clothes I just took off into a drawer. I picked out my black leather boots and filled my bag with some other practical clothes and I picked up my MacBook, iPhone, Kindle and their chargers and put them in my bag too. Picked up a picture on my bed of me and Anna laughing. I put that in my bag to. I turned to Anna's sie of the room and thought that maybe I could pack a bag for her too. "We can come back for her things." Rapunzel said. "It's ok, we'll come back for her things. Right now we need to go." I nodded, grabbed my room key from my bedside table and the three of us walked out of the room. Merida took her phone out and made a call to Jack saying we were ready. She hung up and I locked my door. "Come on." Merida said, and we all quick walked out of the biulding and to the boy's room. when we got there Hiccup was back to normal and had a rucksack and was wearing a brown jacket. Jack was wearing black jeans and grey t-shirt with a blue hoodie over the top. He wore black miltary boots and had a rucksack on as well. He came up to me and kissed me. I kissed him back. When we pulled apart, we looked at Merida and Hiccup. They were kissing too. Rapunzel, looked sad and hurt. I didn't blame her. She was kinda the fifth wheel. When Hiccup and Merida broke apart, we all started running. We ran out into the student's carpark. We ran to a pale metallic blue 2003 Land Rover Discovery. Jack ran to the driver's side, Hiccup jumped into the passenger's side and Rapunzel got into the middle seat in the back and me and Merida on either side of her. Jack fired up the engine and we drove as fast as we legally could out of there. We sped along the roads in silence, Jack concentrating on the roads and soon we arrived at our destination. "The Safe House" Merida had called it when she was on the phone to Jack earlier. It was a common suburban English house, made of red brick with a slanted roof and a green door. We all filed out of the car when Jack had parked it on the drive. Merida went up to the front door and unlocked it. She went inside, Rapunzel followed her, Jack locked the car then pushed me inside and Hiccup followed, locking the door behind him. Merida turned all the lights on and we all sat down on the sofa. "Right," I said, "tell me what is happening. What is this place? Who is Pitch Black? And, for fuck's sake, where the hell is Anna?" Jack sat forward in his seat. "Ok," he said, "I'll tell you." I crossed my arms. "Ok," he started, "This is the Safe House. It's protected with wards so nothing but us and people we trust can come through. As for Pitch Black, well, he's Fear. Literally, Fear. He thrives on, lives for it, creates it, feeds off it. And he's got Anna. He kidnapped her and I think soon we can expect a ransom or a confrontaion. I'm so sorry Elsa, but Anna is in real danger." His eyes were deadly serious, and it scared the living shit out of me. Merida took me to my room and after a little while, I went downstairs and we all had a pizza for dinner. I couldn't handle much more than two slices and a diet coca cola. After dinner, I went back upstairs and lay back on my bed. I took the picture of Anna and me out of my bag and looked at it. Tears sprung forth in my eyes and I clutched the picture to my chest and sobbed. "I'm so sorry Anna. I'm so sorry." I sobbed into the picture. I slowly slipped into sleep. Still crying. That night my sleep was haunted by the thought of Anna in danger. That night I feared for her life and mind. 

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