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Disclaimer: This is not a Yoonmin chapter

Jungkook's Pov

Day 15

I sat in class bored out of my mind. The class was loud with chatter, but none of it was directed towards me.

I was in the back of the class, doodling random drawings in my notebook, waiting for the teacher to come so that everyone would just fucking shut up.

Like I wished, the teacher arrived and the class immediately went silent. The students respect her. She gives zero fucks and one time got a student expelled because he was talking too loud while she was teaching us about North Korea.

She's also the principals wife, of that doesn't say anything. My eyebrows furrowed, seeing another student trailing behind her.

"Class, we have a new student. He's just transferred from Japan, so please help him outside of class with his Korean. You may take a seat next to Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook raise your hand."

With a sigh I raised my hand lazily. The teacher narrowed her eyes at me, but didn't make a comment.

The kid had his head lowered the entire time, sitting beside me without even looking up. I gave him a weird look, but overall ignored him, continuing to doodle in my notebook.

Ten minutes into class, I felt a heavy stare on me. I looked around, but no one was staring at me. Finally looking beside me, I found the culprit.

I take a deep breath as his eyes are boring into me. He doesn't look away when I catch him staring, weirding me out. I started to study him, his black hair not really standing out, but somehow catching my attention.

His flawless skin that I was immediately jealous of. His heart shaped lips, sloped nose.  And his eyes. His eyes were two different colors. Brown, and green. The hell?

Snapped out fo my trance, a shiver trails up my spine as I see the boy suddenly smirking at me with a dark look in his eyes.

I turn forwards, trying not to blush. What. The. Actual. Fuck. I could still feel his stare, and it started to make me uncomfortable.

The bell then rang, and I hurriedly stood up. I grabbed my backpack and notebook and made a run for it.

Walking down the halls to the gym with hurried footsteps, I sighed, my cheeks finally becoming red.

He's hot.



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