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Day 30
This chapter will be in Yoongi's Pov

We're losing. We're fucking losing. Currently, we are 5 points behind the ruthless team that's benched two of my players because of injuries.

This is the first time that I'm actually freaking out about a basketball game. I'm trying to keep my composure, but that captains smug face keeps making my eyes twitch.

We couldn't even run our plays properly. Coach blew his whistle, and he called us over. "What the fuck are you guys doing out there? You look like a bunch of chickens who got their heads cut off, disoriented."

"Zip it Yoongi. You're no better. You're the captain, I expected more. Now I am going to go sit down, and you're going to fix this fucking mess before we lose miserably."

"Yes coach." Coach stalked away, and I was quiet. I felt like crying, but I picked my head up and gave my team a stern expression.

"Like coach said, we need to step it up,"
Jungkook spoke up. "Yoongi, you don't have to take responsibility fo-"
"I am the captain!" I took in a deep breath.

"Listen guys. We need more teamwork. We've all been frustrated, so we started to work on our own on the court to get the ball. We can't do that anymore. We're going to try last quarters play. Hoseok, I want you to go for the ball. Don't focus on anyone else. Once you take it and go down court, Jungkook you need to be right there. Got it?"

"Yes captain."
"What I'm saying is simple. Once we pick it up, our plays will be more efficient ok?"
"Yes captain!"

The buzzer rang, and I got on the court along with five other players. The whistle blew, and I started to play defense. Hoseok wasn't guarding his player, so he was wide open. Taemin immediately switched with Hoseok, leaving Hoseok on the guy with the ball.

I was near Hoseok, looking at the player Hoseok was guarding. Catching on to what they were about to do, I shouted to the nearest player.

"Jay, 52 pick!"
Leaving his player, Jay immediately stood statue in front of Hoseok, leaving the ball open for him as the other player lost balance.

I ran, shouting at Jungkook along the way. Past half court, Hoseok bounce passed the ball to Jungkook, who kept going and made a lay up, earning a bunch of cheers from the crowd.

"Fuck," I whispered, grinning from ear to ear. As the other team walked past me, the captain bumped shoulders with me and sneered. I sneered back, walking towards the edge of the court.

Once Taemin bounce passed the ball to me, I slowly dribbling down court. I looked around, making gestures to my team on where to be.

Avoiding a pick, I quickly passed to Jungkook, who made a three pointer on the spot. The crowd cheered again, and I could feel my spirits being lifted.

I patted Jungkook's back, knowing that we had the win.


I cracked my neck, fresh from the shower that I just took. I know I broke my own rule, but I don't want Jimin by me while I stink.

Changing, I pressed my lips together. Even though I avoided Jimin, he still somehow managed to get close to me.

It was kinda making it hard for me, so after the game I was planning on telling him to leave me alone.

I didn't want him to, but I needed him to. I walked out of the locker rooms, my wet hair being messed up by Jungkook.
"You've done it again Yoongi! We won because of you! You're the best captain out there!" I blushed, feeling shy from the compliments.

"Shut your ass up! That wasn't all me." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah."
I talked to my teammates, giving them compliments about their performance in the game earlier.

It was our last game of the season before the championship, which I was super nervous for. I talked to Namjoon, and finally met this Jin person.

He was confident, cheesy, and gave everyone near him comfort. No wondered Namjoon has the fattest crush on him. As I talked to them, I wondered where Jimin was.

"Where's Jimin?"
They all exchange glances.
"He wanted to met you by the football bleachers after the game." I nodded, walking out with my stuff confused.

Why would he want to meet me by the football bleachers?
It was dark out, the field empty. I eyed it warily, making my way to the bleachers.

I saw a figure standing near them. I got closer, and saw Jimin. "Jimin? Why'd you ask me to come all the way out here? It's literally on the other side of the building?"

He looked at me, and my breath was taken away. It's been a while since I've studied his face, and God I've missed it.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

Wait, what the hell?


Did you catch it?


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