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Day 25

Today Yoongi walked to school. One of the many days to come. His car was gone. He wasn't getting a new one unless he paid for it.

How would a 16 year old get the money for a car? Nearly impossible. His ass hurt like hell. So did his hands and the back of his legs. His father really went all out this time.

Yoongi should've cried when his father hit him, but he didn't. He wasted all his tears on the events before hand.

Ignoring the pain with a basketball in his hand, he takes off to school with a smile on his face. It was Friday, meaning there was no practice.

The game was only a few days away, and Yoongi couldn't waste time. He's been behind because of his injuries, and he doesn't want to be the weak link on the court.

20 minutes later, he was breathing slightly heavier in front of the school. With bodies blocking his way to the entrance, he pushed past them.

The smile leaves his face one he realizes that he can't speak to Jimin anymore. He sighs, his heart heavy.

The bell rings, and that's what makes him walk forward.


"Why the fucking hell is Yoongi ignoring me?" Yoongi doesn't flinch at Jimin's tone, and instead continues to eat his rice peacefully.

He searched the crowd of students multiple times, but couldn't find the faces of the two who beat him up at all. That didn't stop his slight paranoia though.

Jungkook nudged him, and he looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. Whispering, he nods his head in a certain direction and speaks. "The guy that I'm crushing on? He's over there. That's Taehyung."

Yoongi turns his head, wanting to see who he was talking about. His mouth falls open, and he stares at a face in shock.

"The guy with the green streaks?" Jungkook nods his head. "That's him." Yoongi felt his anger rise. All because of this fool and his friend.

"Taehyung, huh." Yoongi stood up.
"Yoongi?" Jungkook voiced out his concerns, but Yoongi didn't care. "I'm going to have a little chat with your crush 'kay? Don't worry, it's not about you. I have something I need to privately discuss with him."

"Ok, be quick."
With heavy but quick steps, Yoongi walks over to where Taehyung sits. A bunch of girls surround him, but they disperse once they see Yoongi and his angry expression.

"Taehyung." Said boy looks up, smirking once he recognizes who it is. "Ah, Yoongi! Jimin's little play toy! He has you wrapped around his little finger, doesn't he?"

Yoongi's fist clenched.
"Yeah, but he's also wrapped around my dick so who's the real winner here?" Lies.
That riles him up. He grits his teeth in distaste, before the expression is replaced with calmness.

"Thought we told you to leave Jimin alone, twink." Yoongi kept calm.
"I'll let him know that you're jealous of our relationship. Sorry to hear that you were a fucking side piece, reject."

He slammed his hand loudly against the table. "I wasn't!" The cafeteria went quiet.
"Oh look, you have an audience! Do you want me to tell them how you're jealous of my relationship with Jimin just because you were rejec-"

Without finishing his sentence, Yoongi's face was turned to the side, a stinging sensation in his cheek.

Without a though he also threw a punch, and then chaos was made. A circle was made around them, chanting fight over and over. Cameras were pulled out, shouts of excitement and anger were heard.

Yoongi could only focus on the fists being thrown at him. All he cared about, was beating Taehyung's ass.

His eye was punched, his cheek, his chin. Gritting his teeth, he knees Taehyung in the stomach, managing to get his hands away from his face. Yoongi raised a fist and punched Taehyung across the cheek.

He fell to the ground along with Taehyung who pulled on his shirt. Nails scratched his arm, and he hissed. Taehyung got on top of him and raised his fists.

With his arms across his face, Yoongi debated what to do. He pushed forward, making Taehyung lose his balance. He then decided to punch Taehyung in his chest, causing him to loose his breath. Two more punches to the face by Yoongi, the fight was broken up by Jungkook who quickly pulled Yoongi from Taehyung.

With anger still in his veins, Yoongi spit on Taehyung, and raised his lip, showing his teeth and gums on one side of his mouth.

Taehyung's face quickly became full of rage and he lunged at Yoongi. Taking a punch across the nose, Yoongi delivered one right back.

Jungkook broke them up again by pushing Taehyung into the crowd of students. With Yoongi in tow, the crowd parted for Jungkook as he made his way to Namjoon and Jimin.

"Damn Yoongi! It's been a while since I've seen you fight. You're in pretty bad shape." Yoongi took in a deep breath. "Im fine." He responds. He doesn't look at Jimin, not wanting to make eye contact.

In silence the four of them walk away from the scene towards their lockers, not feeling hungry anymore. "Yoongi, you should really go to the nurse." Yoongi wants to refuse, but he couldn't go to class looking like he was now.

He nodded his head. "Fine. See you guys later." Namjoon nods, and Jungkook raises a hand with a grin.

Yoongi turns without looking at Jimin, but he feels his hard stare on his back.


This chapter was long! I didn't have the heart to split it. Thank you for 3k reads!!

This chapter isn't edited properly so I'm sorry for any mistakes


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