Chapter Five: I'm Screaming Out, Can You Hear Me?

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Chapter Five: I'm Screaming Out, Can You Hear Me?

Matt looked around the small breakfast area, it smelled like stale pastries and instant coffee, but at least the greasy continental breakfast had helped his hangover. The night was kind of a blur, but bits and pieces of it were starting to come back to the guitarist. He remembered getting drunker than he'd intended and doing blow with Black Veil. He remembered following Andy around the empty hallways back to his and Jake's room, and that's when things got a little bit hazy. The older man wasn't quite sure how the two ended up on the bed, just that they did. What he vividly remembered was how soft Andy's lips were against his, how the younger man had wanted more... or did he? Matt wasn't sure what Andy wanted, that's why he stopped.

His friendship with the singer meant too much to him to sacrifice it for a one-night fling that neither would totally recall the next day. He wasn't sure how much, if any, Andy would remember, but he knew he needed to find the kid. He'd spent the entire morning nursing his hangover and going over how to approach what happened in his head. Creating different scenarios based on Andy's recollection of the night. Best case scenario, Andy remembered nothing, and things could just carry on as normal. Worst case... Andy decked him in the mouth.

The Black Veil guys were all sitting around one table, each of them looking absolutely trashed from the night of partying. Andy was missing from the group.

"You guys still alive?" Matt laughed, approaching the table.

"Fucking barely, man, goddamn last night was fun though," CC commented, playfully punching Matt in the arm.

"It was pretty fun, where's Six? He got pretty fucked up last night."
"Andy? Fuck last I checked he was puking his guts up in the bathroom. When I came back last night, he was passed out cold." Jake laughed.

"Well he's got another hour before we've got to leave, so he better manage to pull it together. I'm not dealing with his hungover ass on the bus." Ashley scoffed with seemingly zero concern for the singer's wellbeing.

Matt opened his mouth to say something smart back to the man, if he recalled correctly it was Ashley who was encouraging Andy to keep pushing his limits. Matt had noticed that on their first tour together as well, it was Ash who kept buying Andy alcohol despite him only being nineteen at the time. From what he heard about the dude, he'd be a hero for knocking a few of the man's teeth out. Getting into a fight with Ash wasn't going to help anything though, better to keep the peace, so the guitarist decided against saying what was on his mind.

"Well, I'll go see if I can get some coffee or something into him," Matt said, forcing a smile at the bassist.

Matt made his way down the hallways until he found Jake and Andy's room, knocking on the door. A couple of minutes past with no sound coming from inside the room and he was just about to knock again when suddenly the door opened.

Andy looked like he'd been through hell and back. His face was pale, and he looked absolutely miserable. Without all the makeup and leather on he looked so much smaller, he was shirtless, and Matt could see the indentions that marked his ribs.

Matt closed the door behind himself, glancing around the room which was completely demolished. Clothes were all over the floor and he even spotted a ripped bra in the corner of the room by Andy's bed. There was no way that he fucked some girl... he was on the verge of blacking out when Matt left. Maybe he did, 'Good for him' the older man thought, even though he couldn't deny the twinge of jealousy he felt.

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