Chapter 14: I'm Here to Take You to the Sky

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Chapter Fourteen: I'm Here to Take You to the Sky

"That was the stupidest movie I've ever seen." Andy laughed, pushing the door to the theatre open.

"Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad." Matt rolled his eyes, stepping out into the parking lot. "Besides, it's not like you paid for it." He added, poking at the singer's arm.

The two walked through the abandoned outdoor mall, the night air unseasonably warm. The older man linked their pinkies together, smiling gently as Andy's cheeks blushed a faint pink. The wandered aimlessly, only a couple of bars and restaurants still open.

They were making the most of their day off, the show the night before had gone well. Despite not following the doctor's orders about no alcohol, Andy seemed to be feeling much better. Matt figured a couple of glasses of red wine was better than straight whiskey, so he didn't put up too much of a fuss.

After all the stress and anxiety, a day of lighthearted fun was exactly what he needed. The two had gone to a nearby theatre, picking some random action movie to see. It wasn't as horrible as Andy was making it out to be, Matt was pretty sure he just liked to complain. It wasn't cinematic gold, but he enjoyed it.

"Yeah, but you have terrible taste in movies." Andy teased, knocking his shoulder into the guitarist.

"Says the dude that likes the Batman movies."

"Okay, Harry Potter," Andy smirked.

"Shut up, those are good movies. Now, you're being an asshole." Matt huffed, enjoying the genuine smile on Andy's face.

Andy rested his head against the taller man's shoulder as they made their way through the maze of shops. He was surprised at the feeling in his chest, things had been pretty dark, but today had been good. The singer actually felt happy and carefree; it was a welcome change.

"How about this, when we get back to the hotel, you can pick a movie to watch," Matt added, rounding the corner.

"Deal" Andy retorted, not wanting the night to end.

Matt glanced over at the singer, he looked absolutely gorgeous. The black eyeshadow he was wearing made his crystal blue eyes pop. His long black hair was soft and freshly washed. He couldn't believe that someone so beautiful would give him the time of day.

The guitarist grabbed the boy's hand, pulling him back into his arms. There was only a couple of cars in the parking lot, it was as if they had the whole world to themselves. They could be together without any assholes judging them or calling them names. Matt knew that's what Andy worried about, and the reason they had to keep things under wraps.

Andy could feel butterflies in his stomach, his knees felt weak, but in a good way. The type of feeling that made everything else melt away except the one person who mattered. It was a strange feeling, it made him feel vulnerable, but he didn't care. Fuck, this is love, he thought to himself.

Matt cupped the singer's face in his hands, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his lips.

Andy wondered if Matt could hear his heart pounding in his chest, "I love you..." he spoke softly.

The older man's heart skipped a beat at the words. The way the sentence sounded coming out of Andy's mouth made him feel like he'd won the lottery. Their lips met again, this time with an intense passion, moving together in sync.

Matt was still floating on cloud nine by the time they made it back to the hotel. Andy had said it back, and nothing else mattered. The world could wait.

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