Enter Bulma

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"I am hungry Goku." Venom said.

"Quiet Venom, I'm fishing." Goku said with his tail in the water. "Don't you know I am hungry too?"

"If we used our shapeshifting abilities and used a tentacle instead of your tail, we would have delicious fish brains already!"

"Grampa told us before he left that we should always practice patience. Fishing helps us to hone that skill."

It has been many moons since Goku's (and by extension Venom's) master, Grandpa Gohan, mysteriously disappeared. The hermit had raised him as his own and taught Goku almost all he knew about martial arts. However, knowing Goku was playing host to Venom (literally), Gohan had to instill the gift of patience to his pupil so he could better handle the symboite's temperament. Gohan had thought this would be impossible, until Goku had bumped his head when he was a baby. While it did quell Goku's own aggressive nature instantly, it did little to change the symbiote's moody personality. Although Venom did become a little more cautious for Goku's well being.

"We are straving! If we don't get delicious fish brains in the next few seconds, we are-wait do you feel that?"

"Sure do." Goku smiled as his tail began to wiggle.

"DINNER!!!" Goku and Venom screeched victoriously as Goku swung his tail upwards causing a big blue fish to fly into the air. Immediately, Goku's black gi covered his entire body to reveal Venom's true form. Jumping several feet, Venom opens his mouth wide managing to bite the fish's head off in one single bite. While still in midair, Venom grabs hold of the rest of the fish and landed on the ground, pouncing like a lion.

"We should save the rest for when we get back home." Goku said grabbing the fish's tail in one hand as he changed back into his human form (*we don't know he is a Saiyan until Raditz shows up*).

"Fair enough. The tasty part is over."

After a couple of minutes of walking, Goku stops in the middle of a dirt path. Using his symbiote's sense of hearing, Goku turns toward the direction of the dirt path.

"Do you hear that Venom?"

"Sounds like a hummingbird, but different. What could it be?"

"Do you think its a-" Goku asks but is interrupted by a monster made of metal appeared barreling down the dirt path. It was several feet long and seemed to have the power to float. Plus, it seems to have fused with another monster with purple hair. Seeing Goku, the purple haired monster screams at the top of its lungs as it suddenly attempted to halt the metal part of itself. Goku grabbing his power pole swings it bashing the metal monstrosity. The metal creature slams into a tree, but evidently pisses off the purple haired monster inside. The smaller monster takes out a projectile weapon and fired at Goku.

"Don't worry Goku, we've got this." Venom says as he extends himself enough to catch the metal projectiles and fired them back as warning shots.

"Go away you monster!" Goku shouts power pole raised in a defensive position.

"Monster!?!? I'm no monster!" The purple haired person shouts.

"If you're not monster, then what are you!?"

"I'm Bulma, and I am a human being just like you kid!" Bulma replied angrily.

"If you are a human, then prove it!"

"What?!" Bulma shouted.

"She is telling the truth Goku." Venom said.

"How can you tell?"

"Listen to its tasty heart beat. It's rhythm suggests that it is telling the truth." Venom explained.

"Really, are you sure?" Goku asked.


"Okay then, but if she is a human being, then you can't eat him. Grampa said it's not polite to eat other humans."

"Don't worry Goku, we know better than to disobey Grampa Gohan." The symbiote reassured.

Goku nods as he turns his attention back to Bulma. "What are you here for?"

"I am searching for wishing granting orbs called the Dragon Balls." Explained Bulma. "I have located one of the balls around this area with my radar. Can you please help me find them?"

"Sure, but do you mind telling us what they look like?"

"They are small orange spheres with stars in the middle."

"Oh! You mean our grandpa! We can take you to him!" Goku shouted with glee.

"Oh,...sure kid. Whatever you say."

5 minutes later, about halfway to Goku's home.

"So I have been meaning to ask, but what is your name?" Bulma said.

"My name is Goku, we have been living in this forest all our life."

"Huh huh, and why are you always talking as if there is another person with us? There no one else here you know."

"Oh, but there is! His name is Venom, we have never been separated since we met."

"Sure Goku, whatever you say. Just let me see the dragon ball, so you and your imaginary friend can play around again."

"Sure, we are here anyway." Goku said as he opens the door to his small house. Bulma looks around to see...not much really. There is a bed, a small table, a closet, a couple of kitchen cabinets that smelled bad as if there were animal brains in there (*THERE IS!*), and a small pedestal. On that pedestal, held a small orb with four stars.

"The Four Star Dragon Ball!" Bulma gleefully shouted as she ran up to pedestal and scooped it up. "Thanks a bunch Goku! Now that I have it, I am one step closer to making my wish!"

"Wait, you aren't taking our grandpa, are you?" Goku half growled.

"Look Goku, this isn't your grandpa. It's an orb, and yes I am. I am sorry Goku, but I promise I will pay you back." Bulma sympathetically said.

"GIVE US BACK OUR GRAMPA!!!!" Venom shouted as he changed into his monstrous form, towering over Bulma at a wopping 6'4''.

"HAAAAA!!!!" Bulma screamed as she bolted out the door, with the dragon ball in hand.

"WE WON'T LET YOU STEAL OUR GRAMPA!!!!" Venom shouted running on all fours after Bulma.

After a full minute of running, Bulma hid behind a boulder, hoping not to get caught. "What kind of demon did Goku turn into? I hope he doesn't eat me."

No, but I just might." The boulder said, as it grew to reveal itself as a giant pterodactyl. Picking up the screaming woman, the pterodactyl flew up into the sky licking its chops. "What should I do? Boil you? Fry you? Steam you? The possibilities are endless."

"DON'T YOU KNOW IT'S NOT POLITE TO EAT HUMANS!" Venom roared as he lept high into the air and slamming the pterodactyl back into the ground out cold. Catching Bulma in one arm, Venom used his three other limbs to land softly into the ground, dispute the high altitude.

"We don't mean to harm you Bulma, but if you take out grandpa from us, we will get angry." Goku explained as he changed back into his human form. "I don't like stealers, and neither does Venom."

"Wait, that big black blobby spider thing was Venom! You weren't kidding before when you said you had a friend?"

"No, we weren't. We don't like to lie, so are you going to give us out grandpa?" Goku asked sternly.

"Look Goku, I really need this wish, but I tell you what. You can come along and keep your ball until it's time to make the wish." Bulma negotiated.

"Really, you mean it?

"Sure I am." Bulma smiled as she grabbed a capsule out of her kit and tossed it into the road, making a hovercar appear. "Hop in. There are plenty of fun stuff to do on this adventure."

"Alright!" Goku shouted happily. "I hope we get to have some new food along the way."

"And more brains...and possibly kidneys." Venom said as the trio drove into the sunset on a brand new adventure, the first for many to come.

The Symbiote Saiyan (Arc 1: Emperor Pilaf saga)Where stories live. Discover now