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It has been several hours since Goku and Bulma drove off in search of the Dragon Balls. The Sun was beginning to set when Goku's empty stomach started to act up, which only meant that Venom was going to act up as well.

"We are hungry Goku," said Venom. "Ask the grandpa stealer when we can have dinner."

"Hey Bulma, when are we going to stop and eat?" Goku asked. "Our stomach is acting up and Venom usually gets cranky when that happens."

"Oh yeah, well tell that slime ball to quit it." Bulma said. "We need to search for the Dragon Balls so can get our wish."

Angered, Venom's head forms out of Goku's shoulder and stretches halfway to the driver's seat over the emergency brake.

"Pull over now so we can eat."

"Oh look who started to be more talkative." Bulma said bravely. "Well guess what, I am not pulling over for the next three hours. You can just forget it."

"Pull over so we can eat or else." Venom said a little more ticked off.

"Or else what?" Bulma said, clearly getting more cocky then she should. "I thought it was not polite to eat people, not to mention its impolite to harm a woman such as myself."

"Despite being human, and having this title of 'womb man,' there are other means of persuasion."

"Oh yeah like what?"

Venom grinned as Goku's stomach began to growl. Panicking, Goku held his stomach looking left and right searching for something.

"Bulma! Where is the bathroom! I have to go now!" Goku shouted worrily.

"What? But we just made a stop 20 minutes ago, how can..." Bulma said confused, but then she realized what was really going on. "Venom, you twisted freak! How dare you use Goku's digestive system as a way of getting what you want."

"Pull over now so we can eat, or my host will unleash a turd upon your seat."

"You got to be kidding me!"

"Venom doesn't kid, Bulma. Especially when it comes to food." Goku painfully explained trying to hold in. "I'm sorry Bulma, but you better pull over now."

"Argh! Fine!" Bulma resigned pulling the hovercar over. "We can stop here so we can rest for the night. I can even set up a capsule house so can have a better place to eat."

"Capsule house?" Goku asked as Venom's head retreated back into his shoulder, seemingly being absorbed. "What is a capsule house?"

"Here, I will show you." Bulma smiled as she and Goku got out of the vehicle. Walking onto the grass, Bulma drew another pill-like mechanism from her collection and threw it out a few meters. Upon making impact with the ground, the pill exploded and transformed into a domed structure two to three times the size of Grandpa Gohan's house.

"Wow Bulma! I didn't know you knew magic!" Said a very shocked Goku.

"It's not magic silly, it's technology." Bulma said walking inside. "Come in, there is plenty of food for two people. Wait, are you considered two people?"

"In a way, we are, but can we eat first before we explain anything?" Goku asked.

"Yeah, we don't like to have to talk others while we are eating." Venom said despite Bulma not being able to hear the symbiote.

"Sure go ahead and eat. I need to freshen up anyway." Bulma said. "It's been a while since I took a shower."

As Bulma went into the bathroom, Goku headed for the kitchen and began rummaging through the cabinets and the refrigerator. While Goku found many options ingest for himself, there seem to be no meat that could satisfy Venom.

"It's all useless! All this food is fake! Even the meat isn't fresh!"

"That not true Venom, there has to be something." Goku said in between bites.

"We have had chicken, pig, dinosaur, cow, lamb, and all the meats that was supposed to keep us from going feral! Everything that was supposed to feed us is all fake! The grandpa stealer has promised us nothing of value in this capsule house! What are we-" Venom screamed at Goku until he was interrupted by a delicious smell. "Do you smell that Goku?"

"Sure do, but where is it coming from?" Goku said as he got to investigate higher up in the cabinets. As he climbed, he began to notice that the source of the smell was coming from several rectangles with the words Hershey imprinted on the item.

"What is it 'Hershey,' and why does it smell so much better than all the meat in the world?" Venom said as they both fixated on the bar.

"Don't know, but it looks so different from the other food. Do we eat it?" Goku asked.

"Do we eat it? Of course! Now chow down on it and see if it's consumable."

Goku let Venom form all over his whole body and began to eat the chocolate bar. Slowly, a smile formed into Venom's face as his long tongue did a 360 around his lips and then let it hang like a dog.

"This is the most amazing food we have ever tasted!" Venom gleefully said. "This one Hershey fills me up just as much as the entire T-rex we ate five weeks ago. Each one of these rectangles will keep me full 2 days straight. We would not have to go out and hunt anymore.

"I think this bar is awesome too, but what do we do in the meantime? We would spend so much time hunting for food that we forgot what other activities we could do."

"Maybe practice Grandpa Gohan's training a little more." Venom suggested. "We have been practicing his techniques a little less than we should. He said not to rely on raw strength to win fights, which we have been slacking in recently.

"Hey, that is a great idea! You know Venom, you sound a lot smarter than you usually are. I wonder if this Hershey helped made you think better."

"Actually without the constant hunger, our mind can think a little bit clearer."

"That could be it." Goku agreed. "So it is decided! We start training tomorrow morning, but for now, we're a bit tired. We should try to get some sleep."

"Good idea. We are starting to get sleepy ourselves."

After cleaning up after himself (to the best of what they know), Goku finds a spot on the rug to curl up on. Immediately, the monkey child falls asleep dreaming of the training both saiyan and symbiotic will have to go through to make their grandfather proud.

18 minutes later...

"Goku, I am done with the shower." Bulma said stepping out of the bathroom in her sleeping gear. "I hope you didn't make a mess in the kitchen."

Sure enough, Bulma walks in to find that several cabinets are empty and open with several chicken and rib bones on the floor in a pile. Not to mention several pieces of a Hersey chocolate bar were placed in the sink as if it was a garbage can.

"Oh course, leave a black gooy monster child in your home alone and this is what you get. What were you going to expect?" Bulma said to herself. "Where is he anyway?"

Bulma looks around the kitchen and living room as she properly cleans up the mess that Goku made. She then noticed him curled up on the carpet in living room, just under the television.

"That is no place for a child to sleep. Even if there is a rude parasite living inside him, he should be in a bed resting comfortably. Though I should take note not to wake up Venom. I'm afraid what he might do if he is woken up abruptly."

After tidying up the kitchen, Bulma then walks up to Goku with a large body towel. Knowing that Goku's black gi is the symbiote itself, Bulma then wraps Goku with the towel to avoid making physical contact with Venom. Slowly, Bulma carries Goku into her bedroom.

"Not sure why mom thought it was a good idea to have two beds in the same room, but her thinking really paid off this time."

Placing Goku in the smaller bed and covering him gently with the bed sheets, she then embarks to her on mattress to go to sleep herself.

'I just had one of the craziest days in my life, and my time is only going to get more insane with Goku and Venom in my life.' Bulma thought passing out. 'How come I have the feeling this is going to last the rest of my life?'

The Symbiote Saiyan (Arc 1: Emperor Pilaf saga)Where stories live. Discover now