Mind-Numbingly Sweet Fluff

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Leorio watches his feet, zoning out, while Kurapika is explaining something to him. He doesn't pay the slightest attention, focusing on putting his right foot in front of his left repeatedly. 'I wonder if (Y/N) is home, yet? I think she said she had something to do today, but I really want to see her..'

"Leorio?" Kurapika waves his hand in front of Leorio's face, pulling Leorio out of his thoughts, "Were you even listening?"

"Of course I was..!" Leorio exclaims defensively.

Kurapika raises an eyebrow at him, "What was I saying then?"

Leorio rubs the back of his neck nervously, sweat dripping down his forehead, "Um.. Something about work..?"

Kurapika lets out a sigh, and shakes his head, "Honestly.. Do you ever pay attention?"

"I do sometimes!!" He looks away, feeling embarrassed, "I was thinking about (Y/N)."

"Ah, is that why you usually don't pay attention?" This earns an annoyed glare from Leorio, "You must really care about her."

His cheeks heat up as he pictures your beautiful face. "Yeah. She really is perfect."

"Hmm," The edges of Kurapika's lips perk up slightly, "Well, I'm glad that you are happy."

"Thank you, Kurapika!" He slaps him on the back , happily, "You're a great buddy!" He starts to zone out again, a dreamy look on his face, "I hope that she's home."

They continue walking and chatting as the sun sets around them. Kurapika says his goodbyes to Leorio, as he enters his apartment. Leorio lets out a breath as he unlocks and opens the door to your shared apartment slowly. He can't help but feel disappointed when he notices that the living room is empty. He kicks his shoes off, and hangs up his jacket, setting his suitcase on the floor. 'Guess she's really not home.'

He hears a giggling sound coming from down the hall. He lets the sound guide him down the hall and to the bedroom. He hears you talking and laughing joyfully.

"Nooo, be careful you don't want to break that!" Another giggle comes from you.

Leorio is immediately suspicious, and creaks the door open slightly, to peak in. He's surprised to see you playing dolls with a small child, wearing her hair up in pigtails, and donning a pink dress. You're sitting on your knees, moving the dolls around the small dollhouse. The little girl is pushing the dolls around in a small toy car, pretending to crash them into things. 

"I'm not going to break it!!" She exclaims, playfully, "My mom always lets me play like this!"

"Well.. Then I guess it's okay," You say, hesitantly, before your tone becomes more playful, "But if you break it, you have to pay for a tiny mechanic!"

The child stops pushing the car around, looking startled, "But I don't have any money!"

"You better be careful then, Emmy!"

Leorio watches you with a loving look in his eyes. He can't help himself from the warm smile that forms on his face. He's about to enter the room, when the small girl yawns.

"Oh, are you sleepy?" You look at the time on your phone, "It is past your nap time."

"No.." Emmy denies, although she can't stop herself from yawning again, "I'm not sleepy. I wanna keep playing..!"

You can't help but chuckle, as you stand up, "We can play after you've had some rest." You offer her your hand to take. She hesitates, but ends up grabbing onto it, gesturing for you to pick her up. You pick her up, and lay her down in your bed, tucking her in with a smile on your face. 

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