chapter 13 laxus reason

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A/n A little lime ahead just a little warning m you can skip the first part if you want .


"Kiss me then I'll tell you "


They say curiosity kills the cat and i think i might really die. I was only intending to give him a peck on his lips but a simple peck led to something like this, laxus and I started fighting for dominace as we share a passionate kiss. I can feel his hands move from my waist to my thighs. I can feel his desire intensifying. 

His lips moved from my lips to my neck, I could feel him sucking the skin in my collar bone.I want to stop him but my body seems to be betraying me, when he seems to be satisfied by the mark he left on my collar bone he moved back to my lips-

"You guys do know that doing it in the palace garden is not advisable right?" Thanks to the adrenaline rush I was able to push away laxus and make a distance between us, I can't believe myself?! Did I really just .... oh gosh!

"I knew it once laxus see a chance he'll pounce at you, but go shoo continue what you're doing in your bedroom " mira and freed were both smiling from ear to ear, and I could feel the shame eating me up, I mean i did say f*ck royal etiquette but doing such a lewd thing, I can't I just.. can't believe I did that.

"You're frozen in place hime-sama" I heard Virgo... f*ck Virgo has been here the whole time and I forgot about it! She saw everything , and... oh God I don't want to think about it.

"And here I thought you two are gonna argue about the announcement, if I knew you'd be doing something like that we shouldn't have come out " I glared at freed just because he wouldn't stop teasing us .

"Shut your trap freed, didn't you and mira do it in the library? " I asked glaring at him, I saw mira blush beside him .

"Well we're going back inside Lucy, also fix your hair and your dress.. no just don't go back inside there's a Hickey in your collar," mira said and waved us goodbye.

"The last part .. If I can't beat him I don't deserve his throne and you that's what you're father said " I could care less about what he said, my mind was still on what happened."Virgo you can go back," I said and she disappeared in a golden smoke. I don't know what I should tell laxus, my mind is full of questions. Does he mean that he did all that painful and hard training with bolt and marion just so my father would approve of him? . He have feelings for me??. I don't know should I ask , or should I pretend that nothing happened?.

"Lucy.. I'm sorry .. if you think what I did was wrong I'm sorry, it's just.. never mind " I.. should I follow him? Should I stay?

"Its obvious that laxus-nii has feelings for you, I don't know why you keep on ignoring the hints he's giving" I didn't know that karion was also here.was all this dragon training useless??

"Didn't you know? The sole reason nii-sama came was because of you" wait what? But he said that its just because the others were coming?

"So he didn't tell you? ... the reason laxus-nii came here was because he learned that you're still alive, just like mira-san laxus-nii felt like he was too weak because he was unable to protect you and daddy promised him that if he go with them he can train as a dragon and demon slayer here. You should've seen how happy nii-sama is when he saw you here in the realm, stop overthinking nee-san go before its too late .." I don't know when karion became so mature and deep she used to be so immature and always picking a fight with father. But I know she's right I should go to laxus hear what he has to say and ask him questions rather than overthinking.

I run towards his room and fell many times because of the heels im wearing. Once I'm infront of his room I knocked three times but he didn't answer.

"Hey thunder butt open the door" I said and knocked again, but he's still refusing to open up . "Hey laxus open up " I knocked again , i know he's inside. I can hear him breathing "please open up , laxus please?" I plead I smiled as I hear his footsteps coming closer to the door.

"What?, If you're going to tell me to forget everything then don't say it I won't do it, just .. just come back tomorrow lucy" but instead of listening I pulled his collar and kissed him. He was surprised at first, but he was quick to respond.

He pulled me inside the room and cornered me to the wall without breaking the kiss, he pulled me up and I encircled my arms and legs in his torso and neck for support.

"Tell me to stop Lucy, because if you don't stop me now I won't stop until I'm satisfied " I smiled smugly, probably taunting him more .

"Then don't stop thunder ass" he claimed my lips once more as his hands move to the back of my dress undoing the tight laces. He carried me and placed me gently into the bed and watched him slowly undoing the buttons of his tuxedo shirt.

"Dont regret this later on " is it me or he sounded sexy? Maybe it was because of the atmosphere. .......


I'd be lying of i say that my body doesn't feel sore because it does laxus that thunder ass really didn't stop until I passed out. We were supposed to leave first thing in the morning today and its already afternoon and im still here lying down on his bed exhausted and sleepy. 

------------------------------------------------------------------ TO BE CONTINUE

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