chapter 22

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"just how incompetent are you?! its a simple task bixlow all you need to do is keep an eye on the master as he take a rest. how hard can that be?!" 

"lucy chill out okay? chill out please lets hear what he has to say first"  I glared at laxus there's still 2 months before the grand magic games this son of a bitches. There's only 22 remaining members in the guild!.

"Fuck this call everyone u can't have another missing member missing" I cursed out holding my temple.

"Hey I know you're frustrated, I'm sorry. Uhm but this might help the main guild if you look close enough the fog will lead you to an underground place and you might want to see the person in there " I suddenly felt bad lashing out on bixlow like that. I know that living in the realm for 15 years and then suddenly going back to a place full of chaos is hard to adjust into. But we need to fix everything so that the doors of the realm can be opened to mages and the dragons could once again see the world outside the realm.

"What was it? "

"Why ?"

"The lady who smells like laxus and strawberry?"

"That's creepy flame brain"

"Laxus-kun,-" "shut up"

I wanted to burst out laughing as I heard laxus cutting up lissana's flirting voice, that sounds utterly disgusting.

Once everyone was in front of me, I looked at each and everyone of them. I could careless of lissana disappearing.

" First and foremost, two teams will be made for the grand magic games. I will not accept any disagreement. The master was taken away by someone and we're looking for him now, Mira will stand in his place as the master of the guild if you have any objections fight me " I said glaring into erza's soul.

"Now the two teams. Team A will be natsu,erza,gray,gajeel,Wendy and juvia as the reserve " lissana and natsu seems to have objections but was shut down by erza's glare

"Team B will be me, laxus,and freed" I was waiting for the objections I was actually thinking that erza would be the one to object.

"I want to be on one of the teams" lissana suddenly said, I knew she was hoping to be placed in my team since there's only three of us.

"My team doesn't need useless bitches. And team A will not have any change. But if you can beat me then be it you can replace me ." I said threatening her with my eyes... Dragon eyes to be exact.

"Let's see who will fall first the animal bitch, or the direct descendant of a dragon?" 
I threatened standing up from my seat.

"Wait no lissana will not fight you, we have no objections"

I smiled sarcastically at gray but still continued.

"Now hold out your hands I don't want another missing person. " I said and they obediently followed. I shared a drop of janus blood at them aside from lissana, janus blood will help me find them as soon as they go missing.

" The guild will be managed by Mira, and i will place no. Team A on a separate training pod " I was waiting for more objections on their side but there is none.. should i be happy with that?. anyway sending team natsu on the dragon realm might be a great help for me. no one can enter the realm without mom or dad's permission so if there is some unkown entity with them or what ever there is then once inside te realm mom will be able to figure things out that might be able to help me.

"laxus escort them to that place." i said giving laxus a "you know where" look  and he just answered me with a nod.

"i mean now laxus" i said with more authority on my voice.

"well take care here blondie manage your temper pleaase" he said and kissed my forehead and walked out the guild natsu and the others following him. 

"now ..... we will be moving back to the old guild, and after that  i dont want anyone leaving the guild for the next 7 days." i can actually feel their disobidience especially lissana but that wont work 

"gate of the star wolf open, stella. gate of the lion leo" i summoned two of my strongest celestial spirits" Stella was the gate key that i got on my last mission with natsu. she was one of the ancient keys. along with the dragons that has been missing or more like forgotten for a thousand years already.

"disobey me and this two will deal with you mercilessly" i warned them. now i need to look for traces of master makarov.

"bix you go with me and evergreen. freed you need to stay at the guild with mira she could use some help" i instructed the rest of our team. they agreed without arguing about my decisions.

after barking up orders and stuff i walked out of the guild. mira, freed, stella and leo knows what to there its already an over kill with the 4 of them there.

"now evergreen id like you to go back to the realm ask mom everything about shadow magic, manipulation magic and.... the book of zeref." those are the things that i think has some connection on whats happening right now 

"and bixlow you're with me well look under the guild hall" he loked at me as if i had grown two heads.

"just follow what i say. we will all meet up before the grand magic game start or a week earlier than that. mira and freed will handle the paper works" then i flew away, bixlow will follow me anyway.

"soteria goddess of protection i ask for your assistance protect us from the evil that is lurking in the place where we are off to" i prayed. and it was answered instantly she gave me a protection or the light of protection that would ward off this thick fog. im strong but this fog gives me the creep.

"is this place really safe?, its scary " i rolled my eyes on bixlow, i looked athim with a 'what the heck look'

i pushed the guild doors open slightly. if the outside eels heavy the inside feels awful like its sucking the life out of you .

this place is a wreck, now all i need is to focus find where it is the strongest. 

"its not my place to come out but this place is full of hatred" i jumped off of the sudden voice one of the spirits , one of the unbounds who has a physical form like eris. the unbound spirit of revenge.

"this place gives me a lot of energy" i looked at him he could be a great help.

"hey  lead the wayfind where it is strongest" it didnt take him long to find where it is, he led us to the basement that i didnt even know exist. i pushed the doors open and the fog just got thicker but behind this fog made me feel like my stomach has been turned upside down.

the reason of the fog and the feeling of revenge and all of it the reason is here.

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