chapter 6

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chapter 6 : truth

everyone felt the change of magic flow on the spirit world, Aquarius was the first one to realize what happened and rushed to where the spirit king and lucy is training.

once she arrived at the place she saw the way lucy's aura had changed and the way her blond hair started having streaks of dark blue, and the spirit king...he's not doing anything he's just watching things unfold.

"your majesty! why aren't you doing anything! lucy will be eaten up by eris!" Aquarius is panicking it is a huge risk to have eris get control of lucy.

"no, old friend she can handle herself i told her everything she needs to know." it irritates Aquarius how the king is so calm when lucy's emotions are getting uncontrollable

and just like what the spirit king has said lucy soon started having control over her anger, her eyes started getting more and more clear after a few minuets. but she looked exausted.

"you did it old friend " That's the last thing I could hear before I lost my consciousness. I was back in the place of darkness, alone once again.


that voice I know that too well that's the voice that kept on whispering into my ears

"you have gained control, that's good I guess.... Do you wanna hear a story hime??" 

I can't see her but I can hear her clearly

"I will hear what you say but you must reveal what you are ...Eris"  

I heard her laugh no more like chuckle I do not understand the spirit of spite Eris. Her voice is nothing like that.

A light appeared and from that light a woman taller and maybe older than mira shes stunning her coal black long hair and red eyes but one thing is more noticeable that thing on her face a scar that looked like it was there intentionally

"Now hime will you listen to this spiteful s spirits story?"

Her eyes showed sadness and anger just what happened to her. I nodded at her question.

" An unbound spirit is hard to find we are born from the emotion of humans... But that's only half true, some once bore a body this who has recognizable appearance. The spirit of after life delios, the spirit of revenge Harris and the spirit of lust cratos " Those are the spirits that I haven't seen.

" Delios was once a human, eaten by anger, killed by his own daughter, betrayed by the gods. He despise the queen, refused to go to the after life and he was granted a power as a spirit he became the unbound spirit of after life. "

" Harris the revenge killed by his most trusted allies he became what he yearned the most. Revenge."

"Cratos the lust despised by the heaven, rejected by hell his spite and lust became his power one of the strongest unbound and one of the dangerous once." " Lastly I ... Eris the spirit of anger and spite betrayed by my family killed by my sister.. my anger became my power. "

I don't understand what she wanted me to do. Does she want me to become one of them???

" I guess you still can't understand."

" You the daughter of the spirit of happiness and loyalty and the dragon of chaos and destruction with your power holding the unbound with a tight leash is nothing, but will you choose that path? ".

What does she mean by that? My mother is not a spirit and more importantly, my father is not a dragon. Why do they keep calling me hime? . this is too confusing!

" it is time hime your parents are waiting, choose a path on what you think is right. the light will guide you to where you are supposed to be"

she said and helped me up pointing to the light with a sad smile. 

then I suddenly thought about Janus and the other spirits that i saw in reika does that mean they were a spirit with no physical form?. wait why am i thinking about that now? if this light will lead me to the answers i am looking for then be it. i crave fro answers for so many questions right now and unless i get an answer i wont be living peacefully.

bad idea you might say trusting the person no more like the sirit that wants to devour your soul. but if i can get the answers by trusting her then i will do it. 

the light had overpowered me it blinded me and took away my sight for a few minuets 

" not possible call the queen and king its... its the princess! eris led the princess" 

what?! i looked around and almost shit my pants the moment i get eye to eye with a dragon. you might be thinking a dragon?.

yes a dragon! a very huge one! so they were true ?! or more like they were real?!! i thought.. i thought they had been long gone! how can one be standing right infront of me! 

dammit this is what i get for trustng eris!

'that hurst hime' i froze her voice i can hear her voice 

' silly of course you can'

you damn spirit you said you will lead me to answers ! i screamed in my head 

'hey chill hime remember control your anger haha and ofcourse what i said was true i led you to the answers'

you damn spirit! i didnt see answers what i  can see is a damn dragon!dangit! 

'hey hey stop screaming hime sama my head hurts' 

oh wow so you are complaining now?

"l-lucy?" that voice i know that voice really well i looked at my back what i saw there is a woman with long hair that reaches her ankle, she changed a lot in this past three years 

"m-mira san?" i know it no, more like i can recognize her. i suddenly felt a burning fire inside my body its uncontrollable

" control your anger hime, this is the firts and last time i say this you are in the realm of th dragons you wouldnt  want to destroy the world your mother and father desperately tried to protect "

ha! how ironic! the spirit of anger and spite telling me to calm down what a rare thing to hear.

"l-lucy? is that really you? lucy?" she asked again and from her back i could see more familiar faces. ha! theyre liing a life here!

"lucy! my child" 

--------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED------------------ 

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