Chapter 3 - The exam

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Peter P.O.V

School today was pretty normal but I did have this one test and I did not know why we did it but most people thought it was pretty hard. I'm not saying it was easy but I could do it. The test had some really weird questions. 

The teachers never told us what the test was for or why we did it.

At lunch I started talking to ned and MJ, wade was there but he was still sitting by himself. 

"what did you guys think that test was for" 

"it was probably just one of the test teacher make us do to see how were going"  Ned said nonchalantly

"yeah probably" I said dully 

I couldn't help but feel like it was something more though.

-- Time skippppppp -- 

It was about 9pm may was asleep but I was wide awake, I got dressed in my spidey suit and headed out to stop some crime.  Karen --the AI in my suit-- told me there was a few small muggings going on. I stopped those easy peasy 'god people are getting worse at being bad' 

I saw deadpool pull out his katanas, scraping them together trying to sharpen them 

Then he looked over at me

 Deadpool P.O.V 


I ran over to him hugging him in a tight hug. Now you didnt hear this from me but spidey is definitely my favorite, sorry venom.

"uhh you good there, your kinda hugging me a bit tight" spidey said 

"sorry spidey"

"uh its ok, lets go find venom" 

And thats what we did. We set out trying to find are friend. We ended up finding him in on a roof, he was probably waiting for us. 

"hey ho venom"

"Hey" he grunted per usual

"so how was everyone's day at school, DP I heard you got accepted into a school and venom, don't know if you go to school but how was your day anyway?" Spiderman asked

" Uhhh I had a good day at school, but we had to take this test it was hard and I have know idea what it was for"

"OMG I had a test just like that today, It must be something all the schools in queens do" Spidey said enthusiastically"

"But I didn't do that test, and my school is in queens" Venom said in his usual low voice

"huh thats weird, but we probably don't go to the same school, it was most likely something only a handful of schools do,  yeah" I said trying to convince myself more than the others.

"yeah" Spidey and venom hummed

We ended up chatting for a while, helped some lady and we even went to a spider-man look alike contest.  I won and um venom well he kinda scared everyone and had to sit outside.

"heyyyy sorry about that buddy" I said to venom after the contest

"yeah were really sorry, who new people would be scared of a big black creature" Spidey said in a sad voice, I could tell that there was a bit of sarcasm in there though. 

Venom huffed in annoyance and we could tell he was ready to leave. 

So we all went are separate ways and  waited till tommorow

-- Time skip brought to you by my friends at school --

Ok class You will be getting the result for your test yesterday tomorrow. 

Everyone in the class huffed. Whenever it came to getting test results they were so impatient. There was chatter among the class


The bell rung and eveyone was pushing to get out of school quickly. I was putting my books in my locker when I heard an all to familiar voice. 

"Hey Penis Parker, I wonder what your going to get on your test" "well knowing how smart you are you will most likely fail" 

I stayed quiet

"Hey you gonna anwser me" 

Flash shoved me into my locker and like always I didn't care. Flash just huffed in annoyance and left. I finished putting my books away and I started heading towards the subway

"Hey, hey wait up"

It was that wade kid

"uhh hello, wade is it"

"yup the one and only, you were walking to the subway and im also heading this way so I thought we could walk together" Wade said 

" yeah but I didn't expect you to be the kind to make friends, you normally hang out at the back of the class" I stated

"Well so do you, and your right I don't do well when making friends but you seem nice sooo"

"oh uh thanks" I smiled

"So I didn't catch your name"

"oh peter, my name is peter parker"


We started chatting while walking to the subway. A smile crept its way onto my face when he started calling me petey~pie. It was nice talking to him


 I know it hasnt been about Eddie much but don't worry I have some plans for the next chapters.

School for me has started so sorry If I don't post 2 times a week. 

The video at the top has nothing to do with the story but I love it and hope u will find it funny to :)

I don't know what else to talk about but I hope you are liking the story and I have big plans for the reveals 🤭

So this chapter is longer than the others, maybe I should write during school more often. Stay safe everyone

926 words, published 15/07/2020

Peace out my peeps <3✌

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