All of this is purely fictional. The places, names, events and bussiness names that may be mentioned are basically unintentional.
If ever you have problems in regards to reading bisaya stuff or any of my work, kindly stop reading. I do not force anyone to read this novel.
Also, plagiarism is a crime. Any copy of my works without my copyright or permissiom that is release without my knowledge is illegal.
Lover Chap.1
Sleep Weather, Sleep Chap.2
Aegia is a killer Chap.3
Whittney is rich Chap.4Sirius A Chap.5
For Vinah Chap.6
Dendrophilia Chap.7Blue and
your reflection Chap.8Pluviophile Chap.9
Tabas ng dila Chap.10
Money faced bitch Chap.11
Forgive me father Chap.12
for I have sinnedColoring a colorless Chap.13
Blood-mate Chap.14