Jungkook just came walking so confidently even with his poor demeanor then the others surrounding him, he didn't bother that the others were stronger and could take him down in a moment.
The guy which was in front of jungkook, came to a halt Infront of the car now facing jungkook as in waiting for him to stop.
As jungkook was just five steps away the guy took of his shades letting me finally look at his face.My eyes widened once again.
It was That Big guy whom I knocked out with a rake.
He was standing there like nothing happened. I did felt Abit sorry for him previously though.
As I was taking in the fact that the big guy was all fine standing there emotionlessly, jungkook came and stood at least two meter away from him.
There was nothing happening for a few moments, everyone was still in their places.
And when I thought there would be no one making their entry now... I was wrong
The big guy opened the back door of the car and there came out a
Man who was probably in his 30s, but was well built for his age, had black hair with growing grey hair on the front, was wearing a black turtle neck shirt which showed his muscles even more with leather jeans.Seems like everyone is obsessed with the color black.
The old guy started talking first, I couldn't hear anything from such distance. They had a small talk for a few minutes. Jungkook turned his back to him and started walking back from where he came.
The old guy was in the car the second jungkook was out if sight. Everyone was going back to the places they came from and the big guy got in the car with the old guy.
They were out of sight after a few minutes and here I was standing wondering what had happened. So jungkook knew about the big guy but then who was he and the old guy.
Then suddenly a thought came to me...
No way....Is jungkook perhaps connected to some type of gangsters?
But how...he's so innocent and naive type of boy, how can he, it can't be it's just my thoughts.....right?
I couldn't think further as the bell rang decating that the lunch break was over, but I still had time cause the next we have is P.E and I usually don't go.
I turned around to leave so I could go to the canteen to eat something as I was getting kinda hungry.After getting what I wanted, I was walking while drinking the juice I brought to the music class cause that is one of the rooms that is not usually used at the moment since our previous meteor had re-signed as he got a better paid job as others say.
As I turned in the hallway that lead to the class that I was heading to, I saw the principal, Mr. Amir and jungkook talking to each other. From the way they were talking so casually that it looked like two Friends talking.
The conversation seemed like it was on the event that took place not too long ago that I had happened to witnessed.
"He came here right?"
The first one to talk to since I came here was Mr. Amir, and I guess he was talking about the old guy.
I couldn't see that better since the distance was long but I could see that they were tense at the moment.
"Yeah, and I'm running out of time"
Jungkook answered while folding his arms and leaning his back towards the wall.
There were deep frowns placed on their faces and were serious.
"I can't help you now jungkook I've done everything I could've done to prevent this for as long as you were going to be ready but I guess that grumpy man of yours can't wait longer than now"
Mr. Amir said while putting both his hands up in the air as in that he gave up.
Was he involved with jungkook? And he help jungkook? But with what? And the grumpy man I suppose is the old man I saw getting out of the car earlier, but is he related to jungkook?
Ughh...this was getting out of hand, I was getting frustrated with all this over thinking, why was I even getting involved in this. Well it's not like I wanted to, they are just where I'm wanting to be.
I signed frustratedly while running a hand through my hair. But as I was doing so the bar of chocolate I had in my uniform shirt pocket that was way to small since the half of the bar was poking out of the pocket, dropped to the floor....it was suddenly so quite and I couldn't look up to see if they caught me....
"Ahemm Ahemm"
I ran off....
I didn't looked back to see if they were talking among themselves but it's not like they didn't hear that throw if they were not deaf.
After I turned in another hallway, I started hearing footsteps behind me and I knew that one of them were trying to catch her.
I tried to run faster as it was also getting hard to catch my breath.I turned hallway after hallway and still could hear the footsteps trying to catch up with me, but then I saw the staircase, there was some space behind the staircase and since it was in the corner no one from the front could see so I decided to hide there.
As soon as I step foot behind there I heard the footsteps come to a halt as in trying to figure out where I had gone to.
I tried to control my heavy breathing and as much as I wanted to see who was it I didn't dare move sacred that they'll catch me.
I was feeling sacred...why was that...
I didn't do anything wrong but it just felt like they'll not take it easy on me if they found out that I had been listening as the talk seemed to be private.
I didn't hear anything for a moment, it was just silence and I hadn't noticed till now that I was holding my breath.After a few moments which seemed like an hour to me there were light footsteps that I even heard with difficulty, it was like they were tiptoeing and the shoes were making the clicking sounds.
Time was going by way too slowly for me and it felt like I had been standing while keeping my breath in for hours. The footsteps were going in the opposite direction of me and I was thankful for that.
I couldn't hear any sounds now but to be sure I stayed for a minute or two then decided to finally head out if here.
I slowly walked out, looked in all directions and so nothing.
Then I decided to go head back to class since I didn't wanted to be here now, but I didn't noticed that I was going to the same direction that they had gone and as soon as I made the turn...."Gotcha!!"

the gap between us
FanfictionBefore you guys read this I want to tell you that since this is my first time writing a story so its not that good. but I tried my best even if it isn't up to y'all standards so still I hope you guys Like it too Thanks . . . . Love ya;)