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As I saw who was there I knew I was in big trouble. I. Just. Saw. My. Mother.
Oh shit I was in big big trouble!!!!. What would she think about it. Oh god!! And then what if she would tell dad about me meeting a BOY secretly without THEM knowing it. I was scared and I wished I could rewind everything at that moment really. Then I came out of my thoughts when jungkook called me "is that someone you know??" He asked that cause he saw my expression was not really good and I was indeed scared. I kept quiet I didn't say anything then I saw that mom haven't seen us she was busy parking her car and looking for something in her car. I was relived for a second before I remember that she could see us if she would look towards the direction of the house Which was in the left. I panicked. I was not thinking straight I couldn't even think. But the think was that I needed to Hide him away from mom and I needed to do something other then just panicking over here. I don't know why but I just grabbed his hand and opened the door in a hurry then jungkook started asking me "what are you doing??" And after that I didn't responded he asked "are you alright??". I still didn't responded cause I was finding a place so I can hide him but got nothing to do when I heard my mom steps out side the door and that's when I started running but came back cause as I'm stupid I forgot to take him with me, I grabbed his hand then ran upstairs I then heard the jiggling of the keys I pulled us both in any room that I saw but then again regretted coming here. It was my room. I turned to jungkook and I didn't saw any surprised reaction from him that I was expecting but was really relaxed while looking at my room. Well its not that its messy it's just not that girlish. And I never let anyone enter so it was kinda awkward for me to let someone even a boy to enter my room. I think heard my mom coming in and calling me out " y/n???Are you home???" She shouted a bit and I shouted back saying "yeah I'm home mom". And then turned to jungkook who was still admiring my room I then started talking to grab his attention " just stay here and don't make any noise.". He then had a face that I didn't liked. Like a face that didn't liked getting rules to follow." Please...." I could see a bit of change in his face that he kinda become gentle and he just nodded. I then opened the door slowly while watching jungkook I stepped out of the room then going downstairs to meet my mom as I was trying my best to calm down my mom came in front of me. "Finally!....y/n..." She sat down on the sofa after saying that and told me to sit down as well as I settle on the couch I couldn't keep my mind of jungkook like what if he made a noise then mom will get to check it out she'll find out about him and then tell dad. I'm just sacred what would they do if they find out that I am friends with a boy. My mom started talking taking me out of my thoughts. "As you already know that me and your dad are really busy these days and couldn't spent the usual time like we spent with you" she stopped there waiting for me to say something but I kept quiet not knowing what to say. She then stared again when she saw that I didn't speak."so as your dad is spending the night in the hospital and I got a little break from my work I got here to tell you that after these busy weeks we can promise you to spent time with you as much as you want"
(so guys I have told you that in the introduction of the parents y/n's mother don't do a job but in this chapter y/n's mom is a nurse in his dad hospital as they are having a hard time in making money so her mom is helping out her dad for the time being and as for the siblings her brother is on a vacation with his friends and her sister is gone to Dubai for her shopping)
"So you are going back?" I asked her in a kind of excited tone that she would not know about jungkook then." Are you happy being alone in the house that you're so excited that I'm not going to stay??" " no no!!!!mom what are you talking about this house feels so empty without you how can I be happy about it??". She then smiled a bit and then the thing happened which I was afraid of. I wanted to ran to the window and jump of off it even if it was the first floor. Jungkook was doing gods know what in my room and made something fall off that made a huge noise catching my including my moms attention. "Did you hear that??" She asked me. "Huh hear what mom??" I played innocent when I knew that he was the one making noise....really what have I done I should've pushed him out of the window. "Did it come from your room y/n" " huh what are you talking about mom,um I think its my phone I'll just check it okay??" She then nodded slowly and said "okay I'll wait for you in the kitchen cause I'm making you food before I go back" I just nodded and when mom turned to the kitchen I ran upstairs stumbling on the stairs I reached my door and entering it hurriedly closing it behind my back, as I turned around I was met by a jungkook with his hands on my "not for anyone" box. He was looking at them but looked at me when I entered. He was freaking looking at my personal things!?!?!?!?how the hell did he got that!?!?!he then smiled a little and said "its interesting..". Oh no no no no he got his hands on my personal drawing book and from personal I MEAN personal!!!!this book.....this book had my imaginary life in it!!!!
He showed me the sketch that was in his hands and a sudden relief got in me when I saw that he had nothing more then a girl looking at a sunset drawing but when I looked around I could see my drawings all over the ground and then .....boom...I begin collecting them like a kid was getting free candy,favourite one. I was panicking that if he saw what I draw he'll think of me as a freak or.....a.......freaky drawer?? When I got all of my sketching I looked at jungkook who was still looking at me like I was a dog that haven't got to eat finally got to eat but I just sighed. " you shouldn't have touched these" I said cause like I sure remember that I told him not to make noise and to be still there where he was!!!!."it wasn't intentional"he just said that like it wasn't a big of a deal..."and these drawi-" he was going to continue but got interrupted by my mom shouting at me to get down!!!I then again turned to him and showed him my pleading look"(sigh)please just this time don't make any noise........and I'll do anything you tell me". He was a bit surprised when I said the last thing even I was surprised that I was willing to do anything to not to let my mom know that I talk to a boy. He tiled his head and grinned which I thought wasn't really a good thing"you sure will do anything??" Did he just!!?!?!?he teased me?!??!?(sigh) "then what do you want me to do....or are you willing to be here all nice and quiet without me giving you anything in return" I said the last thing happily thinking that he will agree to that but he straightened up pulling his grin off of his face and then.......sHoOk his HeAd that means he is indicating to no so that means he is saying NO!!!!!?????"well I'll rather have you do something for me in return though"when he said that my mom again shouted"Y/n are you in the bathroom or something???the foods ready!!!!come down hurry!!!". I just stood there,"well I think you'll need to introduce me to your mom,right??"when he said that I was gonna explode how could he do this to me when I'm in this situation. Well not that I blame him that he didn't know that I was restricted for meeting boys but I knew that he knew that I was trying to hide him away from my mom!!!!!!"okay okay I'll do anything in return I promise but for now don't make aaaannnnnyyyy noise and don't go looking around myyyy stuff.... Alright??" He just nodded and in an instant I was running back to my mom but I'm sure when I opened the door I heard him laughing slightly. When I got back down mom started asking if I was alright and did something happened and why did I took so long but I was tired now so I replied that I was just lazy and got distracted by my phone,then we sat down and started eating I was hungry as hell but I couldn't eat knowing that jungkook was upstairs in my room trying to be still or quiet and he haven't even eaten yet just because of Me!!!!.as I was going to excuse myself about me wanting to eat in my room even if mom knew that I never eat anywhere else beside here on the table but mom beat me to it."sweetie it's time now,I've already spent much time here so I'll go now ?she said that while she stood up and grabbed her keys then her purse putting the keys in then looking at me for approval even if she knew that I wouldn't well more like I couldn't say no."yeah be safe on your way"then I smiled lightly so I don't get her worried she smiled back and we headed towards the door. After we bid our goodbyes I rushed back to my room in no time,so I could see if he was messing with my stuff again or not but when I entered he was on the bed sitting with looked like my phone but I'm not like others I don't have anything private or personal in it so I wasn't worried about him finding anything to make fun of me I guess??..so I just remained at the door until he looked up at me."your such a boring person to be honest".he said that to me I just chuckled in response it was like I was expecting that response from him then I made my way inside and stared cleaning up the mess that was made by the one who was resting on My bed." So......now what??". He asked since it was getting kinda awkward. I then turned to him to answer but just shrugged when I didn't know how to response."let's eat" I said that because I was eating and I had to leave it so I could give Him some,and just remembered that my food was left at the table. I didn't waited for his response cause I didn't wanted a no so I made my way down the. On the table there was the food that I was craving off so I hurriedly made my way there and dig right in,after a few moments I saw jungkook entering the kitchen then the table."come on eat it while its still hot"I signalled him to sit down at the place in front of me and continue eating but when I didn't Notice any movement I looked up to see jungkook staring at me blankly so I stopped eating and well probably staring cause of the way I was eating,like a beast attacking its prey. So I sat up straight now looking at him in the eyes."um aren't you....going to eat??"he just stayed quiet and continued staring at me. It was getting kinda embarrassing for me since I'm not used to people staring at me for too long and not even watching me eat,guess I'm not a social person."why aren't you talking....????......yah!!!talk!!!!"he was just there so I stood up walked towards him as his eyes followed my every movement I then walked in front of him and stared at him back"Don't ". He finally said something!!!ha!!!but he said don't and that's when I realize that I was too close that if we moved a bit more our noses would be touching. Well I was standing on my toes so I could do a stupid staring challenge...so as I plopped back on my feet and moved a bit back so we could get our space back I looked down so I won't meet his gaze. Well it was so embarrassing for me right now,I just stood up walked to him and stopped just one meter away from him and now we were in an awkward silence staring at whatever but each other.
                        *Ding Dong*

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