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Y/n POV.
It's been a week since jungkook asked me to be friends but after that I haven't even seen him. I don't know why but I tired looking for him and also waited for him at the back of the ground but nothing, he never came so I stopped waiting for him. I was a little sad, to much to be honest and I don't know why but i never felt like this, I never got sad over someone leaving me cause I've got used to people leaving me.

It was Wednesday and I'm having my third class of the day,it was boring as always I tried focusing but like the couple of days my mind got back to jungkook. Why did he asked me to be friends if he wanted to leave in the first place?? He just could tell me like I'm gonna leave or something why didn't he??. I was tired of this so I tried to take my mind off of him, I tried drawing because it always helps me get out of the reality.

It was already lunch break as I got myself a chocolate bar and chocolate biscuit since I'm a big fan of chocolate. And made my way to the back of the ground. Since that day jungkook asked me to be friends no on came here but I ignored it and got to the back of the ground, it's been my routine since he left cause like this is the only place without anyone here and I came here to have my lunch. I was minding my own business when suddenly someone put a hand on my shoulder from behind I really was sacred for a second but then I got angry for some reason as I was going to shout at them for scaring me but as I saw the person you sacred me I frozed it was jungkook. The question was why was he here again?? Did he just remember to come here??. I felt myself being more angry at myself for acting this way as I had a blank face on jungkook said "so how you doing friend??". My blood boiled but I kept quiet and keep on having a blank face then as he didn't hear my response he spoke again" (sign)yeah I know.... And I'm sorry its just that...." I waited for what he was going to say next and was ready to scold him but what he said made my anger disappear and I became soft "I'm sorry...y/n, I've been in the hospital". He was in the hospital?? Why?? Did he hurt himself somewhere?? But there are not any bandages or stuff on his body then why did he go to the hospital. " why were you in the hospital??" I asked softly. He was nervous and I knew it by his face even if he tried hiding it."I got in a fight". In a fight??? "I know what your thinking y/n but I'm not that kind of a guy its just someone tried to robber me my way home,when i said no we got in a fight and this happened" then he showed me his cut on his eyebrows and his swollen lips. I don't know but I didn't notice it first but how can I not notice them I should have. "So....we're friends still right??" He asked and I just nodded my head while smiling a little.

I know I shouldn't have lied but did I had a choice?? No. I couldn't tell y/n that my dad is a mafia and I got chased by his guards to force me in the team. Well they were asking nicely at first but when I refused to go they kinda kidnapped me to my fathers and there I asked my father well more like begged him for giving me time for graduation. Well the thing is I haven't told my father about anything of my private life and also that I'm chasing a girl, but like even if I told him his not gonna just let me do it he will just lock me up then he will tell me to marry any other girl of his choice and I would never do it. After all he wanted me to train now, its not like I can refuse for the rest of my life like I've been doing for half a year already so I have to think of a way to get out of this mafia stuff.
I have to keep this a secret from her.

The school was finished and it was time to go home, I was really tired today cause me and jungkook played a lot today and its already like we're best friends well to be honest I've never felt this much attachment to anyone. Right now I was just getting my stuff out of my locker when I heard my name being called, its jungkook. Jungkook was jogging towards me smiling as I returned it happily as he came to a stop he started talking "so you going home??". " what dose it look like to you??". "Should I drop you to your house??". When he asked me to drop me to my house I kind of felt a blush that crept upon my face as I just nodded and turned around avoiding his stare and not wanting to continue our conversation. He then followed me out of the school.
We came to my house without talking. Our lips were sealed together the whole time we tried to talk but no one knew how to start the conversation anyways as we stood out of my house door he turned to me and smiled lightly as I returned it back. " so I guess I'll see you tomorrow ". And I just hummed in response and then suddenly he started to come closer while I was confuse. Then he opened up his arms and that's when I knew that he was trying to hug me not kis-wait!!what am I thinking about. SHUT UP!!!what are you even thinking!?!?!y/n. Come into our senses. Anyways as we were going to hug there was a honk turning both of our attention their but as I saw what was the thing that disturb this beautiful moment I regretted even meeting jungkook.

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