Chapter 3

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I smiled writing this chapter haha :) so I hope you enjoy it.

Btw, I'm not getting many reads on this. Hopefully I'll get more...? I'd like to be told to update, it would make me feel special :D enjoooooy



Jazmin's P.O.V.

We were finishing cleaning up as the boys came in. "Sleeping arrangements" Louis said.

"Jazmin, you'll be sleeping with Niall. That's it" Liam said. I quirked an eyebrow and nodded. I looked over at Niall who was wiggling his eyebrows and bursted out laughing. Same old Nialler.... I swatted at his chest as he got closer to me, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"You two would make a great couple, I've just realized this" Harry said.

"Shut up" Niall mumbled, moving over a bit. This kind of hurt me. Because lately I've been having strange mixed feelings for Niall.

"Jazmin, can I have a word with you?" Zayn asked.

"Um...yeah" I said. We both walked out. "What is it?" I asked.

"I kind of got a call earlier today...."

"And..?" I asked.

"The doctor says niall will almost for sure not remember you."

I felt a pain rip through my chest. I didn't know what to do. I just slid down against the wall and hugged my knees to my chest crying. Niall quickly ran to my aid. "Jazmin, what's wrong?" He asked with a truly concerned gleam in his eyes. He sat down beside me and pulled me into his chest.

"You won't remember me" I said in a whisper.

"You don't know that" he said back.

"I do. The doctor called and said he's almost positive." He stared at the ground when I said this. Then, he began crying too. He cares....

We both sat there with tears running down our cheeks, my head resting on his chest. We both stopped crying and just lay there.

"Miracles have funny ways" he said with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah..." I mumbled. No miracle would be able to fix this and I knew it. If he can't remember me then I guess that's how it'll be. He took his thumb and wiped underneath my eye where a few dry tears were.

"Are you all coming or what?!?!" Louis exclaimed, bursting in.

"Coming where?" I asked.

"To the mall" he said. I shrugged.

"I guess." Niall nodded. We both got up and all got into the taxi. There was an awkward silence.

"Sooooo" Harry said, breaking the ice. "Uh, how goes it?"

"Pretty good" Liam replied. Louis jumped in his seat.

"Lou chill, what is it?" I asked.

"A SPIDER!" He exclaimed. He slid over to me and tried to shove me in front of him.

"TAKE THE GIRL NOT ME!" He exclaimed. I laughed and pushed him, rolling over to my seat beside Niall. He smiled at me.

"What?" I asked.

"It's better to see you smiling then crying" he replied. Wow, that touched my heart.

"Thanks niall" I said with a smile. (A/n: that rhymes l o l). We walked into the mall.

"Let's split up" Harry said. We all agreed. "So it can be Zayn and Liam, me and Louis, and Jazmin and Niall." We nodded, and went to where we wanted to shop first. Niall wrapped a protective arm around me. We went into hot topic.

I looked through the t-shirts. One had the Cookie Monster on it. "Niall come here" I said, knowing as his best friend, that he would love it. "You like this shirt?" He chuckled when he saw it.

"Yeah. I like it." He decided to buy it and that's all we got from there since I already have half the t-shirts. "Where to?" He asked, holding my hand. I felt something flutter inside of me. He swung our hands. "Ummmm" I bit my lip. "Let's go to Macy's." He nodded as we headed over there. I was looking through the shirts when niall came up to me. I looked up to see him wearing two large bras. I bursted out laughing.

"Do I look pretty?" He asked, fluttering his eyes. I fell on the floor laughing. He eventually put them back when we got strange looks. After I brought 3 shirts and we were about to leave, niall asked "can we go on the escalators? Pleeeeaseeee?"

"Okay" I said, chuckling. We went up the escalator.

"Wheeeeeeee" Niall said, throwing up his arms. I laughed as people gave us strange looks. Then, we went back down. "Whoooooo" we both said. When we got off we walked out of the store.

"Let's get some ice cream" he said, grabbing my hand again. I blushed wildly.

"Okay" I replied. We both went to the food court and went to an Ice cream store. We both ordered.

"Let me pay" he said.

"No, I should" I replied.

"No, I'm famous, I have a lot of money. There's no way I'm letting you waste yours." I smiled. He payed for our ice creams and he wrapped an arm around me as we sat down at a table. Something I noticed that has changed a lot is how close niall is being towards me. He's being protective..he was never really like that in the past. I feel like him losing his memory of me has made us a lot closer and him a lot more protective over me because he wants to remember me. I grinned to myself.

I looked over at him and he was licking his ice cream all over. Then, some got on the tip of his nose. He crossed his eyes to look at it and tried to lick it. I laughed really hard. He's so cute.. "Jazmin, help me get this off?" He asked, pointing to his nose. I chuckled.

"Okay, Niall." I got a napkin and wiped it on his nose, getting the ice cream off. All the boys came up to our table.

"Um, we tried calling you both, what happened?" Liam asked, concerned. They all pulled up chairs and sat around the table.

"My phone is at the house" I replied. Niall pulled out his phone and I looked at it. It said 6 missed calls.

"Mine was on silent" he said.

"Oooohhh" Louis said, wiggling his eyebrows. We chuckled.

"Shut up, lou."

"We were so worried cuz Harry got noticed" Zayn said.

"This one girl practically threw herself onto me. Then she started feeling my stomach calling me fit. And she asked to feel the 'D'..?" We all bursted out laughing. His face turned blood red when he realized what it meant.

"Oh my god" Niall breathed, still laughing.

"Whatever" Harry mumbled.

When we got home, it was really late and dark outside. The digital clock read 11:26pm. I yawned. "Tired?" Niall asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go change. I'll be there in a sec." He nodded as I grabbed my pajamas and walked to the bathroom.

Niall's P.O.V.

Jazmin went to go change. I collapsed onto the bed and thought of earlier when I was holding her hand and how well it fit in mine. I thought of one of the new songs on the album we're working on called truly madly deeply.

"Truly, madly, deeply I am foolishly completely fallin'.." I sang. Wait, fallin? No, I can't be falling for her. She's supposedly my best friend. Nah, I'm not falling. She came back in a few minutes later. I turned the light off as she plopped down onto the bed and closed her eyes. I stayed up for a long time in the night, watching her drool. I laughed to myself and turned over, drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2012 ⏰

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