Part 1

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Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
It's going to be a long one.
And thank you for picking... hotel trivago

No ones POV

It was a bright sunny day, you, raihan and leon were playing together at your house, it was big enough for 8 year olds to play in, You were all talking about what your first Pokémon was going to be,

Raihan was fixated on trapinch "it will be mine! I love dragon types so much I'm going to be the best dragon type trainer ever!" Raihan spat out as tho he had already won the title

Leon agreed edging him on "yeah! And I'll be champion!"

"No you won't I will be" raihan said frowning at leon

"Whoever gets there first no hard feelings right? I just hope my first Pokémon is a healthy one" (y/n) smiled at them causing them both to calm down and nod

"That's just like you, always caring about Pokémon" raihan said with a wide grin

"You really do care about Pokémon, I hope my partner will be healthy as well" Leon mentioned softly with a small smile

"Well I hope mines healthy too! Healthy healthy healthy!" Raihan said as if it was a competition to have the healthiest Pokémon out of all of them

(Y/n) shook her head with a small sigh and a smile "you definitely do act like a dragon, all rough and tough" (y/n) growled and spread her fingers out like a dragon causing both of the boys to laugh

All of you had such great times together,
Until you got the news that you had to leave galar

"What do you mean leave- but that means I can't see raihan it leon again-" (y/n) said in a shaky voice wanting to cry

"I know honey, I'm sorry, but it's important that we go help out the research over there so we can help other Pokémon" (y/n)'s mother said calmly looking at her daughter who was visibly upset

"Mum can I at least spend a day with them- so I can take loads of pictures- so I can remember them-" (y/n) said between sniffles, you were still only 8 so being a crybaby was still on the table

"Of course you're can honey, I'll give you some money, go and buy something for them both so they have something to remember you by" she handed over some money and pet your head with a smile "go on now, I'll pack everything up, go have fun"

"Thanks mum" (y/n) yelled out running off as she frantically ran to the place she knew they would both be, it was like a secret spot, which only the three of you knew about

"Oh, look it's (y/n)" raihan waved over to you with a smile on his face as Leon looked up and over to you seeing you had red puffy eyes

"(Y/n) what were you crying about?" Leon stood up walking over and raihan followed behind him

"So um.. I just found out that I'm leaving galar today..." (y/n) said fiddling around with her shirt

Both of the boys looked shocked
"No way- you can't leave" raihan said whining, he was upset that it was such short notice

"Well let's go have fun then, so you won't have any regrets when you leave, right raihan?" Leon nudged raihan in the elbow making sure he would agree with him with a small from on his face

"Yeah- right" he nodded in compliance as
(y/n) smiled

"Thank you guys"

The three of you went around shops, (y/n) getting excited every time she saw lucario merchandise

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