Part 3

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Leon will be mentioned in this one~ as will raihan

It's been 7 years since you caught the legendary Pokémon reshiram, soon after you challenged the last gym winning the fight,

You decided to take a break from fighting for a while, and study Pokémon with your mother and father, helping them with their research, When a notification popped up on your phone

"Huh? Oh alder is back from his trip" you said calmly

"What!! Honey go challenge him!" Your father said excitedly as your mother nodded in agreement "you said you would challenge him when he got back! We will buy tickets to see you fight!" Your mother explained happily

You chuckled looking to your Pokémon "you up for it everyone?"

Lucario let off a powerful aura letting a scream out as did reshiram and the rest of your Pokémon

"All fired you I see. Alright it's settled, I'll be the next champion of the unova." You said grinning,

You set off again this time flying on reshiram to where the stadium was returning it to its pokeball looking around Seeing alder

"Yahoo!! Alder! I challenge you to a battle!" You yelled out, rambunctious as ever,

"How admirable. You have to have 8 badges to-" he was cut off with you opening your badge case

"I defeated all the gyms years ago, I just didn't challenge you back then because I wanted to help my family out, so let's battle!" You said with a grin

He laughed nodding his head, tomorrow it is. I'll set you up a room. And I'll make the announcement in an hour. Can't wait for the battle.

You pumped your fists in the air sending out lucario in front of him who had a mega stone, he only just saw the key stone on your middle finger

It was going to be an interesting battle.

You ran off with lucario bro train, they had a training room for participants, it was empty so you let all your Pokémon out

Your pokemon were all very strong
If they were leveled they would be:

Lucario: lvl 95
Hydreigon: lvl 80
Haxorus: lvl 85
Dragonite: lvl 86
Talonflame: lvl 89
Reshiram: lvl 90

Lucario was her strongest Pokémon by far, the fact it could mega evolve as well made it even stronger.
Years of training was finally going to pay off.
They trained the whole day until they were exhausted, even (y/n) was training her body, fighting with lucario, throwing punches both dodging them, it was her way of keeping fit.

Once everyone was exhausted you went back to the hotel room that had been set up for you walking in with a huff laying on the bed "I'm excited about tomorrow."

"Raw rawww!" Lucario let out another one of its cries as it agreed with you, you turned on the tv to see your face blinking

"How did they even get a picture of me- ah- Wait a minute..." you groaned once realising it was the goofy picture your mum and dad took of you with lucario

"I'm going to kill them."

"Tomorrow will be a fight to see who comes out on top! The unova champion, or the challenger (y/n) (l/n). (Y/n) won all of her badges at the age of 13, but now she is finally back to challenge alder! Come show up tommorw for a fierce 6 v 6 Pokémon battle! We hope to see you there" the tv man stated as she turned the tv off

"This is going to be so fun- lucario you getting hungry?"

Lucario nodded as its stomach growled and you grinned

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