Part 4

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A week had passed since you won title of champion in the unova region, your parents were super proud of you, and knew once you beat the champion you were setting off to the galar region,

Everything was set up, alder was going to continue doing the champions work as former champion, your name was written down in the hall of fame,

And finally you were on the plane to the galar

"Lucarioooo I'm bored" you whined slouched in your chair as lucario pat your shoulder

It wasn't long after that you made it to the galar. Tho it was now night time, you got off the plane and went to the wild area with lucario

"This place is so nice and peaceful- so many lovely Pokémon" you said smiling

"This is where I lived lucario, you're going to meet so many new friends"

Your Pokémon let out a nice howl as you walked together finding a nice tree to sleep under letting out talonflame as it's flame body kept the two of you warm

In the morning your talonflame has woken up and flew off to explore without telling you, it was 6am so of course you weren't waking up.

Talonflame let out its cry as a flygon looked up at it flying up and started talking to each other "Uh- hey flygon-!" The man cried out as his Pokémon just took off to go talk to another Pokémon

"Your flygon sure loves to give you trouble~"

"Oh shut up leon, but a talonflame, I wonder what that Pokémon is doing here, it sure doesn't live in the wild" raihan said putting his hands on his hips as his rotom phone came out

"Legendary sighting in the wild area!"

A huge cry came out as talonflame heard it and flew back using flame charge

"Charizard let's follow it"

"Flygon you too! Come on"

The two men hopped on their Pokémon following the talonflame back to its owner to see a reshiram and a lucario flying in the air with its owner

As soon as you saw talonflame you jumped off of reshiram and started to fall near talonflame

"I was so scared you had gone missing!!" You yelled out as your talonflame danced around you as you fell

The two males hearts almost shattered as they say you falling from the sky

"Charizard go!" Leon said as Charizard went flying fast in the direction of you flygon and raihan following behind

"Reshiram mind catching me now?" You called out laughing as reshiram let out its cry and flew down to catch you as you landed on the ground smiling

"That was so fun" you smiled stretching as you went over to get all your stuff, you then heard a Charizards cry along with a flygons

You looked behind you at two worried men as you smiled seeing their Pokémon

"What a good Charizard how are you baby?" You said letting Leon's Charizard on his snout

"Ah- I wouldn't do that he's not so trusting to new people-" Leon said climbing off charizards back

Charizard on the other hand was fawning over your touch "that's what I call a traitor" raihan said smirking at leon as flygon went to (y/n) wanting time get pet as well knocking raihan off it's back in the process

"Who got betrayed exactly?" Leon said humming

"Sorry for stealing your Pokémon boys, youve really raised them well, such a strong Charizard, and your coat is just stunning flygon" you mentioned smiling as the Pokémon nuzzled you

Raihan x Leon x Reader Where stories live. Discover now