Part 5

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Smut!!! NSFW!!! Don't read ahead if you don't like that stuff, last chapter

As you headed in the room you laid on the bed with a small huff

Leon and skinny dick in tow

"Don't act all shy on us now~ come onnnn we are only teasing you" raihan said walking over

"My jumper looks really good on you" he winked at you with a small smirk, Leon coming over and next to you looking at your skin

"Leon are you turning into a pervert~" you teased him to detest it

"Maybe I am" he said in a low huskier tone making you blink looking at him with a red face

"(Y/n) you're the one doing this to him~ wearing nothing under that jumper of mine~" raihan said in a low town two making your face light up red

"H-hey quit it you both- seriously you're such pervs" you said with a slight huff, tho you did like it, you weren't going to just admit it to them

"Oh come on you like it~ your red face says so" raihan said with a hum as Leon got up and dimmed the lights

"Why'd you dim the light?" You asked

(To save powerrrrr... and I wanna suck your di-)

"No specific reason, it's just getting late, and the lights are hurting my eyes" Leon said coming back

"Sounds like a specific reason to me Leo~" you said smirking and chuckling as Leon rolled his eyes playfully coming over looming over you

"Hey (y/n), which one of us do you like more? Reshiram obviously knew about us because you talked about us, so which one is it~" Leon as with a small smirk

"Eh-? Do I have to pick just one-" you said slightly confused as raihan came up to your ear with a low chuckle

"(Y/n) you really are a naughty girl~" raihan whispered making you shiver

"That's such a disgusting word- if you're trying to be seductive at least don't use the word naughty, that's what you say to kids when they did something wrong" you mentioned as Leon lifted your chin up to look at him

"So in other words when you say at least don't use that word~ we can use other words~? Is that what you're saying~" Leon said in a husky voice

"That is what you implied (y/n)~ is that what you want us to do~ turn you on~" raihan said in a low voice in your ear making you shiver holding your legs together for some reason, your face went bright red as you turned to look at raihan

"Stop acting so sexy- the both of you-"

"So you admit we are sexy huh? Well then do you care to see more of us~" Leon asked as his hand went down grabbing his crotch through his trousers

You weren't about to say no to something like that, both the men you liked trying to seduce you right in front of you, one grabbing his crotch, was this a dream

Your eyes went down looking at Leon's crotch blushing "Leon you really have grown into a pervert~ what are you teaching him raihan?~" you asked with a slight shake in your voice

"I didn't teach him anything~ we are both men now (y/n) it's normal for us to have urges~ Leon just wants to show off a little~ won't you let him?" Raihan whispered in your ear again making your face go red as you looked up at him

"What's so impressive~ your crotch~ that's doubtful" you teased Leon with an embarrassed smirk, you weren't going to lie, you wanted to edge him on, you wanted to see it for yourself, both of your crushes actually making a move on you made your heart flutter

Raihan x Leon x Reader Where stories live. Discover now