Chapter 1: Return of Chrysalis

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  (3rd POV)

It was another normal school day for Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, Sliverstream, and Gallus was on their way to their second class. "Gallus, are you okay?" Silverstream asked her friend, Gallus, who had been emotionless and haven't say a word since this morning. Gallus barely even look at her, which shocked Silverstream a bit; he just simply his nodded. "This is not him." Smolder whispered to the disappointed Hippogriff,  "But I'm sure he's fine."

(Gallus POV)

My head hurt, that stupid nightmare! It was yesterday night, I had the worst nightmare yet: I'm back at Griffonstone, but it was a ghost town. "Hello? Any griffins?!" I asked loudly through the fog that covered the once crowded town. 

No answer.

This is creepy, I thought. I started to get an uneasy feeling like something bad was about to happen. As normal, I took a few step back. Then a bumped into something, or some pony. I turned and jumped when I saw a tall, evil-looking changeling in front of me. Her green eerie eyes was staring right at him, like a blade stabbing his heart. She let out an evil smirk.

"Queen... Queen Chrysalis!" I yelped, as I started to run away from her, I bumped into another changeling, it hissed at me. I let out another yelp as I ran toward another direction, but no matter where I run there'll always be a group of changelings waiting for me. 

The weird thing is, these changelings aren't like Ocellus, they're those creatures that looked almost the same as Chrysalis! and the most creepy part of it was that they all have red eyes. The changelings formed into a circle, the spaces were getting smaller and smaller, I have no choice but to fold myself into a fur-ball and yelled helplessly, "Go... Go away!!!" Then I heard Chrysalis's voice, "Don't worry you little thing, I'll kill every single one of your friends, and family! You'll watch them die while you can do NOTHING!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!!" 

I woke up from my nightmare, jerking up and panting. Cold sweat rolling down my back. Thank celestia that was a stupid dream, I thought, but something told me that this might no be a dream...

(3rd POV) 

Gallus shivered just thinking about it. He'd tried to forget it, but it was so real. After lunch, he went to the bathroom, but for some reason, he fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already noon. "Holy Cow!" Gallus saw the time and cursed himself, "Gotta go to class! What am I going to tell the professors?!" But when he burst out from the door, he saw no pony, not even a sound. 

What the... he thought as he walked through the empty hall, "HELLOOOO???!!!!" He called, "Where's everyone?" 

Suddenly, he felt a claw snatched his shoulder and yank him into a classroom. "What in the..." before he could yell,  the claw covered his beak. "Gallus, quiet!" It was Silverstream, and as he look around he saw Sandbar, Yona, Ocellus, and Smolder. "What are you guys doing here?" Gallus whispered, "Quick hide!" Smolder then yanked him under the table. 

Suddenly, they heard footsteps, Gallus was about to peek through the window when Silverstream pressed his head down, "Don't move." she said, Gallus obeyed. 

A few seconds later, the footstep ended. "Guys, what was that?" Gallus asked, "You won't believe it." explained Smolder. So when Gallus went to the bathroom, they all heard buzzing noises outside the window, suddenly, a changeling broke in through the window and grabbed Professor Applejack, then more changelings broke in and started to kidnap everyone. "We met and all decided to hide under our beds, but when we came out we heard footsteps. So we thought it was another changeling and hid into this classroom. Then we found out that it was you." Smolder said. 

"It just like that nightmare..." Gallus muttered, "What nightmare?" Silverstream asked. Gallus sighed, he should have known that Silverstream is a great listener. So he explained everything to his friends. "So that's why Griffen is not talking to Yona and friends?" Yona asked, "I was worrying that if I tell anyone this... they'll think I'm crazy or out of mind." Gallus explained. "well you could've just tell Twilight," Smolder said. 

Gallus felt guilty, maybe he could have talked to them about it in the first place, and maybe the mane 6 would've evaluated the school, and no one will get hurt, but now it's too late. 

Silverstream suddenly hold Gallus's talon, making him blush. "Gallus, I want you to know that we're here for you. That you can count on us." She said, looking into the Griffen's eyes. Gallus found himself also looking into her eyes too. He just couldn't get it off her, Silverstream and the most beautiful violet eyes he'd ever seen. The two just looked at each other for a long time, until Smolder cleared her throat, "Uh-hm!" that snapped both Gallus and Silverstream back to reality. "Oh, uh...." Gallus blushed, so did Silverstream, "Save the romantics for later, " she said, "I've got a plan."

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