t h i r t y - e i g h t

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(y/n pov)

You woke up to a sticky note under your cheek. You frowned, sitting up, rubbing your eyes as you picked it up. call me when you wake up :) You smiled, seeing the little smiley face he'd added, a little lopsided, but still cute.


"Good morning," he cooed. You smiled, kicking the covers to the end of the bed. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty okay," you responded, stretching and slumping against the headboard. "Where'd you go?"

"Surprise meeting-- I woke up to a call at four."

"Oh no."

"I know," he sighed. "Waiting for people to come in now; you caught me at the right time." You smiled.

"Well, good luck, then," you hummed. You heard people on the other end. "You have a nice day, Gray."

"Thank you." You got out of bed. "Bye."

"Bye bye." You ended the call and walked with your phone to the bathroom.

You were brushing your teeth as your phone lit up with a text. gray: have a nice day too. You smiled and shook your head, replying with a smiley face.

The day seemed to stretch even further without Gray stopping by every few hours to see if you were okay or if you needed something. Not to mention the very limited talking time he had to call you.

It seemed that he had back to back meetings all day, meetings with other fragrance companies, stores, their managers, everyone it seemed. They were trying to get their fragrances out in stores, making them available to everyone they could.

Gray got home really late that night. He and E had stopped for dinner to discuss a few more things and it extended way over what they'd planned and by the time Gray was rolling up at home, it was well past one in the morning.

Deciding to just shower in the next day, he got undressed and into pyjamas before sitting in bed, making sure all the lights were off. You were already asleep at this point, curled up on your side, facing the other wall. He stared at you for a moment before sinking under the covers.

He pulled them up all the way, trying to get warm before getting up to put on a sweatshirt. He was freezing as he pulled the blanket over him, pulling it away from you.

When he went to put them over you, his hand stopped at your arm. You were so cold you had goosebumps. He pouted, turning to his side to face your back.

His hands ran over the length of your arms and over your curves, waking you. "Gray?" you mumbled. He sat up a little, leaning up on his forearm as you slowly turned, covering yourself in the sheets.

"Hey," he whispered. You blinked, eyes puffy from sleeping.

"'En 'd you get home?" you asked, voice quiet. He smiled and looked down at you.

"Just now." You frowned, turning to reach for your phone, only to shudder as the cold air hit your arm. He pulled your arm back under the covers. "It's almost 2."

"Why so late?" He smiled and rolled his eyes, telling you his answer. You moved closer into him, face against his chest to keep warm off of his body heat. He smiled to himself over your head, wrapping his arm around you. "'Ts cold, Gray-- think I'm sick."

He sighed and one of your legs wedged between the two of his. "I know; heater's broken, I think." You frowned, looking up at him. "You feel sick?"

"Why?" you grumbled, forehead against his chest. He smiled and pulled you even closer, the blanket wrapped around the both of you. "You and your stupid house."

wrong one//g.dWhere stories live. Discover now