e i g h t e e n

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AN// hihihi okay so don't ask why theyre dancing to a sad song okay it was just perfect and i had to. but if you don't know it- it's the 1 by taylor swift and it's literally perfect for this story and so yeah (: go listen to it if you'd like, its my favourite song from the whole album xx

(y/n pov)

The look on his face, when you walked down the aisle? His hands crossed and held together in front of him, the little smile on his lips as his eyes lit up a little. His eyes landed on the necklace around your neck, the one he'd gotten you, and the corners of his mouth lifted further.

You stood in front of him, bouquet at hand as the priest spoke some more, words you weren't entirely paying attention to. "You look beautiful." You gave him a small smile as you lifted a hand to push some hair back that was getting in your eyes.

Your eyes landed on his tie-- terribly tied and let out a little laugh, shaking your head as you almost reached up to fix it. You felt happy for a moment then. Just standing there in front of him. With him. Though that all faded away when the time came to exchange vows.

Grayson went first, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. You smiled as you watched him began to read. His was so well thought out and it made you want to puke, thinking over how genric yours was about to be. He began with a little sigh. 

"Y/N. Well... this is our special day, isn't it? So, I have some special words for my special person." You smiled a little. "We're both still learning so much about each other and I promise you that I will put all 110% of me into learning about you-- in all the ways I haven't yet. And since I'm one hell of a dude-- like come on, just take a look at me." You laughed, a hand coming up to cover your mouth for a moment as everyone else laughed too.

"Dude," you heard E whisper from the side.

"You're looking at the body of someone who's capable of 300%. The remaining 290- no 190%- oops I wrote 290- anyway, of me commits itself to taking care of you, providing for you, and being there for you whenever you need me to. Through thick and thin, I will stand tall behind you. I'll be there to push you back up if you fall backwards and help you back up if you fall forward. Unless you're falling for me y'know." You looked down, breaking the eye contact you had going. He continued after a little pause.

"But y/n, I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives. I vow to you all of me from this point on. I love you."

You gave him a small smile and opened up yours, starting to read yours too. You felt his eyes on you as you read and it made you a little self-conscious. You'd never really been this close in proximity of Grayson before. This close and not hugging, that is. This close with him staring right at you.

"Oh, well... uh- I'm grateful to be with you, Grayson. I don't think I can beat what you said; it was really nice." He gave you a smile and squeezed your hand a little. "I love you too, Gray, and I'm happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with you." You looked away for a moment, mind drifting off as you watched Elle place a flower petal in Ethan's hair. 

Gray squeezed your hand and you looked back quickly, staring at your paper. "Like you said, I'll also try my best to learn how to love you in every way we haven't yet. I know that I have you to rely on so thank you for that. And you can rely on me too if you need someone. Yeah, I love you, Gray."

He squeezed the hand of yours one last time that he was holding and when you looked up? As much as you hated yourself for it? You saw E. He looked so much like E, it hurt.

Your ring bearer came forward with the rings now, one of Grayson's younger cousins. Gray gave him a grin as he picked up your ring first, ready to slide it on your finger.

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