f o r t y - e i g h t

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(y/n pov)


"I want mo--"

"You've had enough, Grayson," you sighed, taking the glass from his hands. He frowned at you as you set it down.

"You're just-- just jealous you can't have any," he grumbled. You shook your head as you pushed your saucer of remaining cake away and stood.

You took his arm and he slurred something you couldn't make out as you pulled him out of his chair. "Let's go home," you whispered. He mumbled some more and you dragged him, his arm over yours.

"I wanna drive," he mumbled. You rolled your eyes as you looked around for Delilah, to say your goodbyes.

"Hey!" you said as she headed over. She glanced at Grayson and laughed.

"You heading home?" You sighed and nodded. You managed to give her a hug with Gray leaning against you, his body weight on yours.

"Have a lovely night, okay?" you asked. She nodded and smiled.

"Of course she gonna have a lov-- lovely night they're pro-ly gonna fu--"

"Grayson!" Delilah laughed. You sighed as you fixed his coat over your arm properly.

"We'll head home, okay-- have fu--"

"We di-n even fuck 'till like--"

"Alright Gray," you whispered, helping him walk. "Bye," you said gently. She smiled and headed towards her husband as you pulled yours out of the venue.

"'M drivin', right?" he asked. You sighed. "Wanna drive."

"That's not a good idea." He frowned as you dug into his pockets for his keys.

"I have great ideas," he mumbled as you pushed him into the passenger seat. "I don't know why they're doing so-- so ba--bad."

"Gray, your foot, baby." You pushed him in and he gasped.

"Baby!" he yelled. You sighed as you slid into the driver's seat, pulling up your address on your phone. You had no idea how to get back. "We're havin' a baby."

"Mhm." You pulled out of the parking lot as he let his head fall against the window, sprawled out on the seat. You tried to follow directions as best as you could.

"Wake-art's gonna die," he mumbled after some time.


"Wake-art," he said again with more emphasis, "is gonna die."

"Don't say that," you sighed, waiting your turn to go left as your flicker went off.

"Yup, yes it is." You sighed. "We're gonna be broke and I won't be able to buy her anything." Your eyebrows raised.

"Who's her?"

"My baby." You smiled a little as you stopped at a red light.

"We don't know if it's a girl," you whispered.


"We don't know i-f-"

"It's a girl." You smiled as you tried to follow the directions your phone was giving you.

"I think it's a boy." You winced as you made a wrong turn, looking for a spot to turn. 



"Is wake-art gonna die?" You sighed.
"You're just having some trouble right now, Gray," you said honestly. "It's not gonna die."

wrong one//g.dWhere stories live. Discover now