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"I hate that girl. I was doubting if that bullying was scripted. I only met her once but look how she clings to me." Minhyung complained while they were wandering on the street with Donghyuck. Minhyung was wearing black shirt, brown knee shorts and white Vans shoes. The other one was wearing a purple hoodie with a white t-shirt inside, black pants and Converse low cut shoes.

"If you don't mind... How do you guys meet?"

"When I was going home, I saw a group of gang members, Koeun was sitting on the ground while the others were about to hit and kick her. I interrupted them and let Koeun run. I sent her to the hospital to make sure she was safe, and I called her friend. Then I went home." Minhyung explained which made Donghyuck addled and surprised, a bit.

"Uhm, how do you say that was scripted?"

"No one could be that clingy or feeling close if you only met once. Koeun was asking me to go out with her." Minhyung shook his whole body in disgust. "I was just trying to help her, that's it."

"Maybe she has crush towards you?" Donghyuck jokingly asked as he looked at him, chuckling mutely.

"No way! I'd rather die, Donghyuck."

While they were walking around, Minhyung asked Donghyuck to take a picture of him in those brick walls. He went closer to Minhyung to take a close up shot, he suddenly felt his heart racing again. Even if he always saw Minhyung in person, he couldn't think that Minhyung is very handsome. He was trying not to tremble his hands while holding the cellphone. Donghyuck silently gulped and looked at the screen.

"Ready? One, two, three." Click.

" Click

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"One more time." Shot.

" Shot

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「 My Sunshine ┊ MarkHyuck」✓Where stories live. Discover now