act zero: epigraph

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What is considered lucky? Why would people put so much faith into everyday objects? Why would they let their hopes shatter when that "lucky item" proves to be useless?

Reality is, adults tend to be more childish than children; sometimes blindly believing what they've been told as children for the rest of their lives.

When their dream starts to shatter, everything around them starts to fall apart and unfortunately...

They aren't so lucky.

You took a deep breath and your fingers slightly hovered over the keys before pressing onto them. A beautiful string of chords resounding from the auditorium as you sat in front of the piano. The lights were on you, blinding you enough to not see the audience gawking at you.

You couldn't hear, but you already knew what those people were whispering about. It was the same after every performance. Praise upon praise. You didn't like the attention, but it made her happy. You could feel her smirk as she listened to the people talk about you.

Then you felt it.

You couldn't describe what it was, but you knew the outcome of it. You've seen it too many times to not know what would happen. You felt it start in your chest, causing you to take a sharp inhale of your breath as a way to make it stop. But that feeling was more stubborn than you realized because it started to travel to you arms. You didn't know what to do and every alarm in your head began to go off as it made its way to your hands.

Your fingers began to move on their own, almost as if they were on autopilot and you felt yourself start to lose your place as you kept playing. You tried to focus back, but it was hard when there were many eyes watching your every move.

It felt as if you were drowning and you could feel your breathing start to become ragged as your vision started to blur. By this point, you've completely lost your place and as much as you tried, you couldn't see the notes on the music staff.

Then you heard it.

You hit a sour note. It echoed throughout the whole auditorium, mocking you for your mistake. You whipped your head towards the audience to see that they've disappeared.

Your breathing became ragged. You could feel her inching towards you. Her footsteps were slow, but you could tell how she felt. Her eyes felt as if they were burning you, even if you weren't looking directly at her.

She stopped behind you and for a few minutes it was silent. The only thing you could hear was the erratic sound of your heart in your eardrums.

"How dare you!"

You flinched as she grabbed you by your wrist and turned you around to face her. She was fuming, absolutely angry.

You felt guilty.

"I worked day and night to get you where you are! And this is how you repay me?! You messed up everything! You ungrateful brat! You should be lucky I even cared for your future!"

She raised her hand and all you could do was close your eyes and mentally brace yourself for the sting that would soon come.


You jolted awake as you were woken up by your group member. She giggled at your reaction before smiling gently at you, kind of like how a mother would to her child. You looked up at her to see that she was already done with her hair and makeup. She was practically glowing.

"The stylists are waiting for you."

You mumbled a small "okay" before making your way to the chair in front of the vanity. To your right, another one of your member's was busy taking pictures and you couldn't help but smile at her cheerfulness. She felt your gaze on you and before you could react she held up her phone to you.

"Smile!" You awkwardly put up a peace sign as you flashed herca small grin. She snapped the photo and squealed at it. "Lucky you're so adorable!" She fell back into her chair and the stylist that was with her scolded her before sighing and continuing to finish her.

"How do you feel?" You glanced up towards the mirror to see your stylist smiling at you through it.

"Feel about what?" She only chuckled at your response before continuing.

"Your debut silly! How do you think it'll go?" You thought for a moment.

"I don't really know. I mean anything can happen really... It feels like a dream, like it isn't real and I'm about to wake up in my room back home any second now."

"Well you should start believing then. I think it'll go great. Have faith, after all, your name is Lucky."


You could only chuckle at the irony of the stage name you were gifted.

❝serendipity❞ ➳ lost in translation x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now