act iii

251 21 4

You were most definitely scolded by your stylist when you got back to the dressing room. Not only that, but you were also bombarded with questions about what had happened for you to get yourself in what is now dubbed as "The Coffee Stain Incident"; however before you could even get a chance to breathe, your stylist had immediately rushed you to the dressing room and quickly handed you one of the spare button-ups she had prepared in case something happened. You let out a breath of relief when you heard her footsteps fade away.

Unbuttoning the stained shirt, you peeled it off your shoulders and sighed in relief as you finally got rid of the uncomfortable wet feeling that was previously on your front. As you were changing into the new shirt, you heard the door open and you looked up just in time to see the girl with platinum hair invite herself in. You let out a small curse under your breath when you quickly realized she wasn't there because of a forgotten item. Jinri was a lot more nosey than Dari, and that's saying a lot.

"You know, for having a stage name that literally means 'bringing good fortune', you keep getting yourself into very unlucky situations." You looked at Jinri through the mirror of the dressing room and sighed at her comment. You were busy finishing up the last buttons of your shirt when she suddenly turned you around and looked at you in the eyes. "What happened?"

"They covered your tattoo."

You were obviously avoiding the question. There was no point in investing so much energy into something so little. That's what you thought anyways, because it seemed like Jinri was more interested in the situation than you were. She was obviously annoyed when you kept talking. "They did that for the music video and the teaser photos too. I was confused that I couldn't see it since, you know, it's literally on your face."

"(Name)~ I'm not talking about that~" For being a rapper she had a nice voice; however, in the single month that you've known her, you knew that she wouldn't let up whenever she used her sing song voice. You groaned before finally giving in.

"I ran into someone and their coffee spilled all over me. It's no big deal though, see? All done." You gave a small spin when you finished buttoning up the shirt and tucked it into your green skirt. Today's concept was to wear your assigned colors and although green isn't a very flattering color, you somehow surprised yourself when it looked decent. Jinri chuckled at your actions before pulling you into a hug, now that definitely surprised you.

"Yoobin is always keeping up with other groups. Apparently the guy you bumped into is in a senior group, Mayhem." You looked at Jinri and it was clear to her that you were confused. It wasn't your fault, you realize, it's just that growing up, you weren't allowed to listen to pop or anything else really. You were more familiar with Debussy, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and others. "Be careful, he's kind of known for constantly getting into scandals."

"The red haired guy? Jaewon?"

Jinri nodded.

Now you were really confused. He seemed so sweet when he realized what had happened. He even considered apologizing directly to your staff.

He reminded you of a puppy.

But it's also known that puppies tend to get themselves in trouble.

What kind of scandals has he gotten himself into?

You were lost in thought and you would've kept going if it wasn't for the older girl in the room grabbing your arm and pulling you out the door with her. You stumbled a bit behind Jinri but luckily you found your pace and soon you walked into a different room with her. All the members were there already and Ara got up to give you your snacks that were half eaten. Ultimately you decided to give them back to her because you weren't really hungry.

❝serendipity❞ ➳ lost in translation x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now