act ii

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You felt like your head was about to explode as your hairdresser kept braiding, unbraiding, and trying other things on your hair. You could tell he was just as frustrated as you were and to make both of your lives a little bit easier (as well as a small puff of his chest because "I've failed to make your hair amazing") he opted to just leave your hair in its natural shape, brushing it just enough and adding some type of foam to make it look healthier and shinier. To finish off, he pinned back some hair to the side of your head with a few pins. You thanked him and with a pat on your shoulder, he called onto the next member.

You took a seat on one of the couches of the dressing room and when you thought you could take a short nap, both Ara and Yoobin sit next to you. Ara wore school girl braids and Yoobin wore space buns, both getting their makeup done naturally. To accessorize their look, they both wore two matching grins that you knew all too well.

"Our manager said that we couldn't eat anything until after the recording."

Ara put her arm around you while Yoobin took your hand in her's.

"He never said anything about getting snacks at the vending machine." You eyed Ara as you immediately knew what they were getting at. Ever since you joined around a month ago, they've been involving you in their shenanigans (and you refuse to admit that you enjoy it); so after a few minutes of their pleading eyes staring at you, with a sigh, you got up to ask your manager if you three could head out to buy snacks.

And as always, he agreed.

With the money that he lent you, the three of you head out of the dressing room and walk down the hallway where, according to Ara, the godly machines were.

"Licky, this is why we always make you ask. If Ara asked, it would be a straight 'no'. If I asked, manager-oppa would tell me that I'm too young. You on the other hand, you're our key."

You sent Yoobin a glare and in return she stuck her tongue out at you.

"It's Lucky, not Licky. And how many times do I have to say it? Call me–"

"We know, we know. Call you (Name)." They both said simultaneously. You gave them a grin almost identical to the one they both gave you earlier and almost immediately they knew you were going to crush their dreams.

"I forgot to mention the manager said to bring snacks for the other members as well and to make sure everyone —including you two— to get the same cookies and drinks, shortbread and orange juice."

Ara looked like all of her hopes were shattered while Yoobin let out a sound of realization when she finally knew why the manager gave you all too much money to get snacks that cost ₩1,000.

With a frown, Ara grabbed the money and started to punch in the code for the shortbread cookies because although it wasn't exactly her favorite, a snack is still a snack. Yoobin decided to take charge of the orange juice and you only stood there as you made sure they didn't get anything else outside of the things that your manager asked you. Once it was all done, you offered to take a third of the snacks only to be shooed away by Ara who had more than half in her hands.

"Let me have my moment and feel like I'm carrying chips and sodas." Yoobin let out an ugly snort and you could only shake your head before turning around to head back into the dressing room.

Unfortunately, you were met face first with a hard chest and suddenly your front felt warm and wet. The person that you bumped into grabbed you by your arms to keep you from falling on your rear.

"Are you okay?" The person that you bumped into was concerned and you were about to say that you were indeed fine when Ara spoke before you.

"Oh shit."

You were confused about what she was so shocked about until the guy with vibrant red hair started to cry out a series of apologies with widened eyes.

"I'm sorry! I got my coffee all over you! Crap Minsoo is gonna kill me..."

You looked down to see that the front of your white button up was indeed soaked in coffee. Although the situation that you were in was a little upsetting, you knew that an inconvenience like this could be fixed.

"It's fine... our stylist brought more shirts with her just in case."

You wanted him to look relieved at what you said but he looked even more stressed out than before.

"Your stylist will be mad! Let me go with you so I can take responsibility. Oh gosh I'm so sorry-"

"WYLD?! Did you get rid of the coffee like I said?!" From your left you could hear Yoobin mutter a small "more or less" and you turned around to shush her as to not make the boy even more worried. From behind him, another boy who was around your height was emerging from behind the red haired boy and the moment his eyes landed on your front his face was as pale as his hair.

"Jaewon! What happened?!"

From the corner of your eye, Ara and Yoobin were sneaking away before you could even stop them from leaving you alone in this mess. You swore you saw Yoobin stick her tongue out at you and it was in that moment when you wondered why she wasn't voted as the most annoying member. She was definitely the classic annoying, but cute maknae.

The two boys in front of you were still freaking out as you stood there dumbfounded and did not know what to do. You felt yourself starting to become more annoyed as the boys didn't listen to you and finally you were ready to shout at them when another voice came into place.

Your manager. Your lifesaver.

"Lucky, Ara and Yoobin told me what happened. Let's go to the dressing room and change the blouse."

You let out a sigh of relief and just when you thought you were going to escape, the shorter boy presented himself in front of your manager. You tried not to laugh when you saw the obvious height difference between the two.

"Please accept our apology, Sir! My group mate didn't mean to spill his coffee on her." He then grabbed the other boy by the collar of his shirt before pulling him down with him as a way to bow before your manager and you. Your manager only shook his head before patting both of them on the shoulder. A silent way of telling them that it's fine.

"Let's go, Lucky." Just when you were going to leave, your wrist was grabbed by someone and you were face to face with the red haired boy.

"I'm really sorry..."

"It's fine. My manager is cool with it and so am I." He gave you a small smile and you couldn't help but internally coo at his adorable awkwardness.

"I'm Jaewon, but people also know me as Wyld."

"Nice to meet you Wyld. My stage name is Lucky, but I prefer my real name, (Name). Good luck!"

With a small wave of your hand, you turned around to chase after your manager.

Jaewon felt at ease.

❝serendipity❞ ➳ lost in translation x reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now