act iv

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Five times.

You've been recognized five times today as you made your way to your company. It hasn't even hit 8am. Actually time was nowhere near 8am because last time you checked it was 7:15am and you left your dorm at around 7am sharp. It was weird for you to say the least. Never in your life would you have been so shocked to be called by your stage name on the street and part of you was ready to run off when fans came running towards you at full speed. You remembered what Dari had said when it came to meeting fans in public.

"Smile and be nice to them, you never know if they've had a bad day or not. Just be sure to tell them that pictures aren't allowed."

You had no idea if their day had even started considering how early it was and the fact that it was a weekend, but you brushed it off and decided to not question it even further. You didn't think much about the picture part, solely focusing on responding to their questions and talking to them as you walked towards your company building; it wasn't until one of your fans pulled out his phone and handed it towards you as a silent way to ask for a picture.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to..."

Part of you was also feeling guilty seeing the fan solemnly put his phone back into the pocket of his jeans. With a small bow, you thanked him for being understanding and that hopefully, under different circumstances, you'll see him again and take a picture. With a small wave, you bidded the small group of fans goodbye as you neared your company building. SUN&MOON wasn't big. The first time you were brought into the company, it surprised you to see a convenience store built right below the actual building. There weren't many trainees either. From what you could recall, they bring in at least eight new trainees per year, and the company hasn't been around for too long. In your group, there was at least twenty people and most of them have either been training for a year or more or less than that. Looking back at it now, you could probably see why some of the other trainees didn't like you. As Yoobin would describe it, you did in fact get lucky. With a sigh, you pushed throught the glass doors of the entrance and climbed up the stairs. You were greeted by staff who were hunched over in their cubicles. You greeted them back as you made your way over to another door and into the meeting rooms.

Your schedule read that everyone would be meeting with your manager in order to go over group activities for the following month; and miraculously you were the first one to arrive. Since the group's debut, many variety shows booked Elite to come on, or as Jinri liked to put it, "be their money makers for the day" (Dari definitely yelled at her for saying that; however, deep down you knew that she knew Jinri was right). Some of the members were still at the dorms reminiscing in the little time they have left before actually deciding to get up and still have time to get ready. Yoobin said she wanted to come with you, but when you tried to wake her up she merely swatted your hand away. It annoyed you, especially since she was the one who asked. You settled your things down on one of the chairs and headed out of the room to walk around the building for a bit.

Even after being here long enough, you still had no idea where certain parts of the building were. When it comes to recording for a song or dance practice, you usually went with another member. Walking a bit further down, you peered into the many doors, one of them being full of instruments. You stood in front of it for a few seconds debating.

'It wouldn't be uncommon if they did have one.'

Hesitantly, you opened the door and popped your head in. Almost as if mocking you, there stood a keyboard; and although it's different from a grand piano, you could still play it. You felt your heart pick up it's pace and a lump form in your throat. Your thoughts began to race. Your fingers were itching and before your brain could process it, you stood behind it, ready to play. You were having an internal conflict, but if you didn't do it now, it'd bother you later. You turned on the keyboard and took a seat on the stool that sat under it.

You hesitantly tried out the first few notes and very slowly, played the first few chords of the song.

La plus que lente was the last piece you played before becoming a trainee. You were doing great for the most part. Your mind was calm and this particular piece by Debussy was engraved into you. It was one of your personal favorites, one of the only pieces you could play with no problem.

Probably because you never played this one for competitions.

Competitions. You hated those greatly, didn't you?

The bright lights, the audience's eyes, the judge's eyes, especially her's, were on you.

"Again," she said sternly. "No child of mine is going to be a failure." Tears were prevalent in the child that couldn't have been more than six. She can't remember when she began to play, but the woman beside her was determined to engrave the piano into the child for the rest of her life.

"M-Momma, I wanna go p-p-play." She was hiccuping through her words. Slowly the child started to slide her hands off the keys when a slap sounded throughout the whole living room. The child wailed as she held her reddening hands towards her in an attempt to soothe the stinging. Her tears were falling on the keys, but the woman beside her was not planning on comforting her.

"Your father left us with nothing but the clothes on our backs. Just because he comes to visit you and takes you a few nights, doesn't make him a good man. Understand? I need you to do this in order to help keep our house. So, you will not leave this room until you've learned this whole piece."

You haven't felt this feeling in a while, but you already knew what's to come. It happened the last few times before you became a trainee. It happened at your very last competition. The look of disappointment and disgust written across her face told you everything you needed to know.

It's ironic how you're an idol, but hate the attention. Did you do this to prove yourself? Or did you do it because you had no where else to go?

You hit the sour note as the last of your thoughts finally came through. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm down your racing heart. You heard the door to the instrument room open and you saw Himari's head peak inside.

"I figured you'd be in here. You've always been curious about this room, huh? Come on, our meeting is about to start."

You nodded as you stood up from the stool.


You looked up at Hana. She inspected your face before moving in a bit closer.

"Were you... crying?"

You were shocked at her suggestion and immediately felt your face, and surely, there were tears trails. You couldn't lie to her. The evidence was right there. But, you couldn't tell her either.

"Allergies, too much dust in here."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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