To-do Sports

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VEEK: So your first day of school was an interesting one,so what's on your list today?.

REEN: To-do sports.

                     In school today after third period ,gym was next and unlike my former school where gym wasn't much of a big deal or wasn't  worth half of your grade , i'll say it was more like break time . Anyways in beach-wood there only two sports; swimming and the football team and since girls aren't allowed on the football team, unless you count cheer leading ,which am not a huge fan of ,swim team it is then. But before anyone was allowed to join a school sports you'll have to be physically fit for gym first .

VEEK: So that was easy right ?

REEN: Well! at least i thought so.

                       my entire English class was in gym ,when Mr Ben our gym teacher came in .

MR BEN: Now listen up! Gym class gonna start differently this year ,now i know some of you aren't here for just gym class ,some of you are here to ace gym class so you can join the sports team of your choice ,while the rest of you are here to stay . So if your here to try out for sports to the right  and if your here to stay, to the left.

REEN: of course i went to the right. 

MR BEN: Okay before we begin,i'll need those of you tryout for sports teams, to fill in your names on this piece of paper

                               And since i was in front of the line, he handed me the paper first and by the time the paper had gone round and back to him he decided to do a roll call.

MR BEN: Maureen O.......o......ono........okay! Who the heck is this ?

                      I was already filled with embarrassment, from how brutally my name was ruined .

REEN: I am sir!.

MR BEN : Sir ! , what the heck is that ? I look old to you ?

REEN: Emmmmmm................

MR BEN : Nah !, am just playing with you, you can call me Mr B. But seriously who the hell are you ?

REEN : my name is Maureen Onye, am new here and am Nigerian, but you can call me Reen .

MR BEN : oh! your fresh meat , i love starting my day watching fresh meat play sports ,anyways like i was saying when i came in, gym's gonna be different ,so those of you on the right, come out to the school field right now .


MR BEN : okay! you all should pair up , you see that course on the field, that's what your gonna do today and if you finish the course perfectly, you pass gym for the whole year , that means you'll never need to come back here.

                        As i looked around to find someone to pair up with, i realized none of my friends were out here ,either way i was fine with it as long as the F5 were also not here least i thought so.

        ''Hey , you wanna be my partner ?'',someone says behind me. 

REEN: What? ( i turn)

        ''I said you and I should be partners '', he says again.

            In my defense of laying low , i don't think being  partners with 'LEO ASH' will be a good idea. But before i could say a word , Leo had already told Mr Ben.

LEO : Mr Ben were partners' write us up.

MR BEN: okay.

LEO: Hi, am Leo and girl .

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