To-do History Museum and Aquarium.

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PROF J: everyone your all allowed to go look around, but be back here by noon that's 12:00 for those of you that will be late ...Reen!, if your not here by noon you fail this class. the bus leaves at 12: 05 so anyone that isn't here , just find your own way to the aquarium.

So everyone dose know me as a late comer.

SAHZ': so where do we check out first ?

JEFF: is there an exhibit about food ?

SAHZ': no, and even if there was you do know they won't let you touch or eat the artifacts .

JEFF: blah, blah, blah, Sahz' am hungry is there at least a food court?

ZOEY: don't worry i'll take you Jeff .

REEN: your not checking out the exhibit?

ZOEY: yeah, museum aren't really my thing, the only history that consigns me is black history so you and Sahz' go ahead, see you later.

SAH'MEN: okay!, Reen what do you want see first?

REEN: I don't really know , this my first time at a history museum . In my country we don't have much of that ,the only history we need to know is just a sentence long and is taught in pri-school.

SAHZ': really, like what?

REEN: like Abacha was a mean president who was killed on seat.

SAHZ': exhibit it is then.

* * * *

REEN: wow! these paintings are amazing, here's the one about the woman whose a man and also a woman, what's it called again?

SAHZ': you mean the Monnalisa.

REEN: yes, who painted it ?

SAHZ': Leonardo de'vici.

REEN: yes, that's the one,to bad his name sake a total dick head.[i say when i spot Leo]

LEO: come on Reen , i already said am sorry.

REEN: really when? [i storm out ]

SAHZ': Reen! come back ,we need to stick together so you won't miss the bus.

REEN: (yells) i'll meet you there.

LEO: come on Reen , i really am sorry, i let you win capture the flag [ he follows me].

REEN: leave me alone and stop following me.

LEO: Reen! Reen!, please stop ( he grabs my hand), please how can I make it up to you ?

REEN: let's see, i heard this museum has that place where you can look at stars indoors.

LEO: you mean planetarium.

REEN: yes! that ,so you taking me or what?

LEO: it's 11:30 .

REEN: so you better hurry .

LEO: fine ! common ( he grab my hand and we run down the hall}.


LEO: happy now ,were here.

REEN: wow!, this place is huge and so incredible

LEO: you haven't seen the best part yet .

He opens a door which had control room written on it and he turns on the stars and the planet .

REEN: wow!, the whole solar system is moving , it's like am in space .

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