To-do weekends

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VEEK: wow!, so your three days trip was insane but really cool , that's the type of stuff i want you to experience in the US, so what do you have planned for the weekend ?.

REEN: i don't really have anything planned, i just want to relax, maybe stay home and take a nap ,but if anything comes up i'll just go with the flow.

VEEK: you mean dream of Leo.

REEN: what!

VEEK : or maybe Zack's body on top of yours or Dask lips against yours....would you have actually had sex with Zack if the security guard hadn't shown up?

REEN: what?, okay bye your breaking up...............i..........i............i can't hear you sorry later .[close the laptop slowly]

                             This girl must be really mad [stomach growling],oh! i guess it's time for breakfast ,i wonder if mum maybe breakfast.


[open the fridge ) nope no breakfast in there ,just a sticky note from mum.

                                   sorry! hun their was an urgent meeting at work today, no time for breakfast                                             can you please handle breakfast ?,promise i'll be back for lunch.

REEN: okay , i guess am making pancakes.

                                  Am already mixing the pancake barter when my younger brother walks into the kitchen.

DANIEL: Reen! am hungry what are we having for breakfast? 

REEN: am making pancakes.

DANIEL: really?.

                        ( Chelsea comes in)

CHELSEA: your making breakfast , why? did mum finally decide it was time for us to die?[laughing].

REEN: very funny , at least i can cook.

CHELSEA: what's that supposed to mean? , i can cook too.

                  [Micheal comes in]

MICHEAL: sure, you can cook and President Trump also black.

CHELSEA: wait! this isn't funny i can cook short Reen am making those pancakes [she walks over to me]

MICHEAL: OH! no you don't , i have soccer practice today and i want to eat a good breakfast before i leave [Micheal intercept Chelsea before she can get the barter ]

REEN: will you guys please leave, i want to cook in peace .

                                 we all start to argue and I accidentally knock down a bag of flour from the top shelf and flour comes raining down on all of us.

DANIEL: [laughing] you guys are all covered in flour ,now can we please have  breakfast am starving ,yummy [ dips his finger into the barter and tastes it] nice pancake mix , please just make the breakfast Reen. 

                           I stare at my siblings and we all laugh at how silly we all look .

REEN: okay! everyone out, i'll clean up all these mess while you guys go take a shower .

                                     Few hours later breakfast was over , i was relaxing in the living room getting ready to binge watch one of my fav series Vikings , when Zoey called me up to invite me to a night club called hot wings and since i had nothing better to do, i told her i would go but i had to ask my mum for permission first . [ring ring]

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