Chapter 4: CATastrophe

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Art by me!

"There he goes!"

"Stop! Give us back our cats!"

The two kids sprinted down the sidewalk after the man. They weren't going to just let him take their cats that easily, especially when one of them just got her cat back after a long dangerous adventure.

Oh wait.

You're probably confused on why a blue pigtailed guy and a yellow dressed girl are chasing after a crazy man with a creepy cat mask who just stole their cats.

Well, let's just get to the basics of what happened.

It all started around noon when the two kids, known as Sal and Fran, were in their room playing and cuddling their cats, completely unaware that a guy was outside their window stalking them from the bushes with a pair of binoculars in hand. However, the man did not have any interest in the two kids. No. He wanted their cats.

To hold the cute creatures in his arms. To feel their soft fur. To cuddle with them and play with them until the sunsets. To gift them with little bow ties. To love them till the end of days. He couldn't stop thinking about them. The man wanted those cats more than anything.

He zoomed in on his binoculars to get a better look. The kids were heading out of their room for something, leaving the cats where they were. The man knew this was his chance to get the cats and make a run for it. He waisted no time in getting to the window as quickly as possible. Luckily for him, it was opened enough to crawl through and get what he came for.

He quickly snatched up the cats, holding them in each arm, then making his way quickly and quietly out of the room through the window. Not soon after however, Sal and Fran came back only to find their cats have vanished. They searched frantically for them, until Sal looked outside and saw the man ran away with their cats. He quickly alerted his roomie and they both ran outside.

And now, here we are, back in the present as the two kept running after the thief. Their breath hitched and sweat poured from their face, making it harder to keep up with the man. And the weather wasn't helping either, the sun was becoming more and more hot by the day. But despite all of that, they unable to give up on their beloved animals.

They kept on running down the straight sidewalk, until the man made a quick left as he ran faster towards his destination. From that direction he was going in, the two kids had an idea on where he was heading.

They saw the man run into a big house down the block. Both Sal and Fran's quickened pace stopped for a second, taking in the house structure. They looked at each other, realizing that they might have been right on where the man was going.

They decided to walk till they got to the main entrance, going up the little steps that were available and hesitantly ringing the door bell.

A few seconds went by and a tall man, who seemed to have a white and black baseball outfit appeared in the doorway.

"Yes?" he asked kinda sternly, yet wondering why two random kids were at this house's doorstep.

"Uh hey. Sorry to bother you, but we just saw a guy run in here with our cats." Sal mentioned.

The man sighed. "So those cats belonged to you two." he said, wiping his hand down his face.

He sighed again. "Alright hold on."

He turned his head to the nearest room in the house.

"HEY ZACHCARIE!" The man yelled.

A little laugh could be heard from the other room before the man, known as Zachcrie, appeared.

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