sad XD

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You slowly walk down the beach, hand in hand with the love of your life, Tomas Brody Singster.
He looks at you gently, his yellow eyes (he has jaundice btw) glistening in the evening sun.
'I love you, Y/N,' he whispers. You're taken aback, he has never said this to you before.
'Tommy...' you hesitate, but in your heart you know what you must do, 'I-I love you, too.'
He wraps his arm around you, you can feel his scales (he's a reptilian creature btw) gently stroking your bare back, exposed by your tiny bikini. He leans in for a kiss, and you don't resist. You lay down and he climbs on top of you.
'I'm ready.' You say as your lips brush his ear.
'Are you sure?' Thomace asks excitedly.
'Yes, yes I am.'
He stands up slowly but steadily, and looks down on you like a sturdy statue.
He pulls down his swim trunks and begins to urinate all over your face. You love every second of it, until it keeps coming and coming.
'Stop!' You try to yell, but it comes out as a muff
led gurgle. He can't understand you.
He keeps peeing and peeing, until finally, you die (you drowned in his pee btw).
'No, Y/N! What have I done to you?' He screams as tears run down his face.
He snaps off your big toe and uses your long, sharp, uncut toenail to take his own life."

THOMAS BRODIE SANGSTER IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now