Part 1

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Your bestfriends with Noah Beck literally he is like a brother to you and you would do anything for him :)

It was the first day of college and you was sooo excited to go into to college not only with your bestfriend but with a 4.0 gpa. Noah and you untended the University Of Arizona, which is your dream college. "Heyyyy y/n!" Noah said giving you a big hug "Heyyyy I missed you too but your about to break me!!!" Y/n said gasping for air "I'm so sorry y/n I just really missed you, that's all." Noah said "Awwww I missed you toooo!" Y/n said you took a good look at Noah because it's been months since you guys hung out "Oh damn, I almost forgot how good looking you are!" You said smiling "Oh stop gassing me" Noah said and winks "I wish" you said while winking. "Ok come on we need to get to class" Noah said "You right" you said

Few months later
You are getting ready to hang out with a couple of your friends and is stuck on what color to paint your nails. Of course you had to text Noah because he is very good with picking out cute colors.

Text Messages!

Y/n: Ok so I need your help
like really bad 😬
Noah: What's up?😅
Y/n: I'm stuck on what
color to paint my nails 🤦‍♀️
Noah: You do white nails
                                                it would look cute on you
Y/n: See this is why I love
youuuuu! <333
Noah: love you more
Y/n: Impossible
Noah: What is there
not to love about you
🥺 you always smell
and I love the fact
your positive asf, cute

After you read that you got the butterflies. You and Noah had a thing when you were like in middle school but you didn't want to ruin the friendship that you guys had. But deep down inside you still have a thing for him but you don't wanna ruin the friendship.


Noah Beck Imagine :)Where stories live. Discover now