Part 3

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Noah and I are sitting outside admiring the stars and is so amazed by how beautiful they are. "Hey Noah my grandpa always told me the first shape you see is a sign" Y/n said "Oh really? I see a heart" Noah said "Interesting" Y/n said while smiling "Why are you smiling weirdo?" Noah said "A girl can't smile! Jeezzz" Y/n said while playfully pushing Noah "You dont wanna go there sweetheart" Noah said I pushed him again "I'm warning you" Noah said "What your gonna do about it?" Y/n said Noah flipped you on your back and said "You'll see" you both was looking into each other eyes and you didn't wanna stop looking at him, but than you both heard this loud bang in the house you guys ran to go check on your friends"EVERYBODY GET OUT!" A man said with a deep voice and everybody ran out. "Are you guys ok?" Y/n said "Yes,yes let's just get the fuck out of here" Cameron said I was holding on Noah's hand in the car because I was too scared "Are you ok?" Noah whispered to me in the car "Mhm, yep just great" Y/n whispered to Noah "Something is telling me that it's an no" Noah said "Fine, I was a little scared, that's all" Y/n said while looking worried "Nothing is wrong with being scared just know that you got me" Noah whispered

We finally made it home Noah, Cameron and Samantha was spending the night with me because it was pretty late for them to go back home. Samantha and Cameron shared a room together while Noah and I shared a room together. "Ok so if you want to shower feel free too" Y/n said while giving Noah a wink "Oh say lesss" Noah said while laughing "Omg see this is why I can't with you" Y/n said while laughing. Meanwhile Noah just got out the shower "Y/n! Can you hand me a towel pretty plsssss!" Noah said "Why didn't you get one before you showered weirdo?!" Y/n said while getting up "Is that you getting smart with me?" Noah said in the sexiest voice ever "Maybe" Y/n while smirking and handing him a towel "Say less and thank youuu I appreciate it fatty" Noah said while grabbing the towel "Oh shut up don't start with me today Noah Beck" Y/n said while smirking. Noah comes out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist "Daaaamn this men is hot" Y/n said in your head while checking him out a little "Jeezzzz I can't even dry up!" Noah said while looking at you "Oops, ok finish with what you was doing I'll stop" Y/n said while laughing a little "No your good I kinda like that side of you" Noah says while winking at you.

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