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"So my dear friend would you like to be reincarnated?" Says a beautiful women with crimson red eyes that looks like they can pierce your soul along side her lustrous black hair that reaches her slim waist with breast that are not to big but not to small wearing a jet black dress that sparkles like the stars all while sitting in a throne that emits inhuman screams at random times.
"Who are you?and what do you mean by reincarnation"at my questions she lets out a smile before responding.
"For who I am does the crawling chaos ring a bell?and your dead so I'm asking if you want to reincarnate or truly die without getting in the reincarnation cycle"
"So I'm dead?"at her nod I start feeling a little empty and homesick.
"Yes!but look on the bright side you'll be able to reincarnate and live happily on a new world" 'that does seem nice but what did she mean by crawling chaos...the fuck are these memories'as my brain is handling a huge amount of information at once I start to piece two and two  and whabam!i now know who this beautiful women is,as I figured that out she lets a small giggle that would sound pleasant to the ears if I didn't know that she is a sadistic god that loves to see people suffer.
"Already figured out who I am?"
"Wh-why are you reincarnating me"I say that while kneeling,at such question her lips start turning into a grin.
"Well it's just that you got lucky In the wheel of misfortune"
"Wheel of misfortune?"
"Yup,the wheel of misfortune,whoever gets selected shall be killed,now that you got your memories all sorted out it's time to give you a gift"she says with a grin before she snaps her fingers making me see status screen.
Congratulations you
Got the gamer system
"...the fuck!?"I mean how do you respond to getting the gamer system which can make you the most powerful being on the multiverse.
"As for why I gave you such a powerful (nerfed) system is because your going to bloodborne"as she says those loud words confeti comes starts falling from the ceiling.
"Blood...borne?"at those words fear and a bunch of information starts to appear in my head 'ohhh shit I'm being transported to that world'.
"Yes, your being transported to Yharnam as for your character creation,stats,perks,skills and other stuff have already been selected by me"as she says that I immediately start to panic as my vision starts to go black.
"Have fun" are the only words I hear before everything faded to black.
"Well this is gonna be fun don't ya think Lilith"as I say that a beautiful girl that can rival me in looks with her black eyes that are tinge with gold,long silver hair that reaches her waist and glows(if she was in the moonlight),with breast that are a little bit smaller than mine dressed in her regular clothes(combat clothes)looking at me with a curious expression.
"Did you have to give her the gamer system?"
"Your not gonna ask why I send her to bloodborne"
"No,but the gamer system?"she says and questions with a curious gaze.
"Hmm...well it's not the one from the manhwa or those's the eldritch gamer system(totally original)" the only response is her deadpan stare.
"I'm not even gonna ask what you did or how you even managed to get it from her"she said letting out a sigh.
"Ahhh but I wanted to tell you how much Gaia endured before she gave in" I say that with a sadistic smile on my face.
"Aren't all the Gaia in the multiverse connected?"she ask me before she finally finds her answer to which I smile at.
"Yup you see all the Gaia's are connected except for the nasuverse since that shits complicated,so I visited one,ruled it,made Gaia my sex slave after breaking her just so all the other versions can see that if I decide to visit them they let me do as I please"I say with such an innocent smile on my face.
"...nasuverse huh...any way I'll see you in a couple centuries"is all she said before she leaves.
"So she's gonna get another Ilya,that's like her tenth one not like I'm to talk"while saying that I look at my twenty-fifth saber riding one of my tentacles with lifeless eyes while shedding tears probably regretting attacking me or she broke after a week of this torture.
"Ahhh I love being me" are my words before this chapter ends.

Reincarnated in Bloodborne as a gamerWhere stories live. Discover now