A gamer guide to pyromania part 1

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Authors note:
==== that's basically time skip since I'm to lazy to even bother writing it,anyway I hope you enjoy the story of our adorable little pyromaniac
"How the fuck is it still alive"
Scourge beast
Level Better than yours
Hp ???????/??????
I can't even scoff at the level since I'm busy dodging the attack,after narrowly dodging and not becoming food I throw another Molotov doing an insane amount of fire damage making it wince and howl in pain before it stops moving and looks at me with hatred on its eyes before it howls I casually throw another Molotov but this time he dodges by side stepping making the Molotov miss and hit a tree that has crows that have grey eyes that makes them look like their blind.
While that happens I grab four molotoves,two on my right and two on my left,as I was I about to throw them the scourge beast starts moving erratically before it charges at me with desperation in its eyes,but as he was about to slash at me it's body starts burning giving me enough time to fall back.
Killed Scourge beast
Due to the user killing a being
that's stupidly outlevels you exp
               has been multiplied by 5
Level has been increased by 10
Due to the user burning a fourth of Yharnam,the user has gain the title
Due to killing approximately 375 scourge beast,393 beast patients,3 brain suckers(mobs not the boss),5,800 carrion crows,158 celestial child's,78 celestial minions,65 celestial emissary(Mobs not the boss),90,church's servants,30 church giants,60,executioners,thousands upon thousands of yharminites(Yharnams citizens)5 Hunters along side Cleric beast,Dark beast Paarl,Blood starved beast,Vicar Amelia,Father Gascoigne and Celestial Emissary(Boss)and a couple of other Npcs.
Due to killing Alfred,Hunter of waif*ahem*Vilebloods
Increased reputation with Annalise,Queen of the Vilebloods by 70/100
Due to reaching 50 reputation with Annalise user got
Hemomancy magic level 1
Can manipulate the users blood to attack or manipulate the blood of others
Due to killing Elaine the crow the user gets the blade of mercy(her weapon) and the crow feather set
Due to destroying 1/4 of Yharnam user got the title [Hunter of Calamity]
Due to being true to your pyromaniac nature Increased reputation with Cthugha by 50/100 user has gained
Fire manipulation(eldritch version)
Allows the user to have absolute control over fire
Due to being the target of interest User has been blessed by Cthugah
[Cthugahs blessing]
Use 25% less mana when using any fire relating skills .
Increase damage from fire relating skills by 50%.
Due to Nyarlathotep,[Redacted],Cthulhu
Cthugah,Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath decision user has received the title
[Princess of fire]
Reduces mp cost by 25% of any fire related skills.
Allows the user to dominate any fire related abilities unless they are higher ranked then you(example gods due to the user being mortal for the time being)
Due to gaining this title the [pyromaniac] title has been erased
Titles [Hunter of calamity] and [Princess of fire] has begun to fused
Gained special title
[Princess of chaos and hunters]
Any damage related skills do 50% more damage and cost 25% less mp to use.
User is feared by all.
Evil or chaotic gods will take a liking to the user.
Gods will recognize the user as a being higher rank than them(except the great ones and outer gods or other special individuals)
Any hunter will respect the user regardless of who their affiliated with.
Increase the proficiency gain of any weapons by 50%.
Due to killing and gaining a special title user has gained 50 insight alongside billions upon billions of blood echoes.
"......I'm to tired for this....status"I say with a tired voice while sitting in a pile of debris as the smell of burning flesh enters my noses.
Title-Princess of chaos and hunters
Level 486
Class-Hunter-Level 486
Alignment-Chaotic neutral
Hp 19,640/19,640
Mp 4,960/4,960
Sp 19,640/19,640
Stat points 485
While looking at my status I noticed something new on the menu.
It's the notification panel.
'That's it?'.
And it holds the perks or skill that I didn't mention .
As soon as it said that I clicked on the notification panel.
Due Reaching 500 strength user has gain the perk [Herculean strength]
Gain the strength of legends.
Once a day increases the users strength by 50%.
Due to reaching 500 endurance user has gain the perk [Undying body]
Gain the body of an immortal.
Once a day the user can return to 10% of hp if hp has been brought down to zero.
Doubles the regeneration rate of hp and sp.
Due to reaching 500 dexterity user has gain the perk [Enhance reflexes]
Increases the reflex of the user.
Enhances instincts.
'Since when did I have stat points'
Because you where level one there wasn't a need to show it but now that your level has gone up you can use them.
While listening I noticed my other stats,my bad habit kicked in.
"Hmmmm make my other stats 500"
Due to the reaching 500 intelligence user has gain the perk [Blessed by mana]
Int now doubles mana
[Superior intelligence]
You can brag about how smart you are.
User can now vividly recall memories.
Due to the reaching 500 wisdom user has gain the perk [Great mana core]
Your mana core produces more mana.
Mana regeneration has doubled
Due to reaching 500 charisma user has gain the perk [Silver tongue]
Your learning the path of persuasion.
Increases the likelihood of persuading someone.
Due to reaching 500 luck user has gain the perk [Blessed by Rngesus]
You have been blessed by our lord and savior.
Increases the chance to get better drops from enemies by 25%.
After seeing the new perks I couldn't help but smile,after all my low mp has been dealt with by my new perk blessed by mana but what really caught my attention was the luck perk.
"Holy shit...Rngesus was real"seeing the name of the man that people pray for better loot drops was a surprise.
Nyarlathotep:of course he's real,who do you think is the ruler of all the gods and goddesses that rule over luck/Fortune.
Cthulhu:do make sure to give his prayers once in a while,your drop rate will double and the chance of getting legendary or better increases.
[Redacted]:although I barely pray to him,but when I do it feels like my luck turned into infinite.
"...noted pray to our lord and savior once a day for better drop rates."but still after looking at my stat points and seeing how close my stats are to one thousand I let my greed get the better of me and decided to make them all one thousand.
As I did that my entire body stared creaking as it if was about to break but not long it stared throbbing until I stared to feel pain,but instead of screaming like a little girl I grind my teeth enduring the pain but not before it stared to get worse.
Error users body can't handle the strength.
"Ghhhhh...the hells that supposed to mean!!"
It means that you have to endure while your body is breaking down and reconstructing itself so I suggest you prepare your self for the buttload of pain that's about to assault you.
"Ohhh you have to be kiddi-ghyaaaaaaaaaa!!!"I let out a painful and almost animalistic scream.
Pain resistance increased to level 7
Pain resistance increased to level 9
Pain resistance increased to level 11
Pain resistance increased to level 12
Pain resistance increased to level 13
Pain resistance increased to level 14
For what seem to be an eternity my pain resistance finally leveled up enough to make me stop screaming in pain and only feel discomfort.
Due to the constant break and reconstruction the user has gained the skill [self regeneration]
Doubles the rate at which you regenerate your hp.
After a couple more hours my body finally finished reconstructing itself making me let out a sigh of relief.
"Haaah.....i really hope those perks where worth the pain I just endured"I say that as I stretch a bit making my bones pop.
Due to reaching 1,000 strength user has gain the perk [Giants strength]
Gain the strength of giants.
Once a day multiplies the users strength by 2.
Due to reaching 1,000 endurance user has gain the perk [Giants endurance]
Gain the endurance of giants.
Triples hp and sp.
Once a day the user can return to 30% hp if the users hp has been dropped to zero.
Due to reaching 1,000 dexterity user has gain the perk [Inhuman Reflexes]
Your body will react at inhuman speeds.
A smile forms on my face while looking at my perks.
"Good perks status"
Title-Princess of chaos and hunters
Level 486
Class-Hunter- Level 486
Race-Enhanced Human
Alignment-Chaotic neutral
Hp 60,000/60,000(24,000 per 15 sec)
Mp 10,000/10,000(2,400 per 30 sec)
Sp 60,000/60,000(12,000 per 30 sec)
Stat points 415
Hp=End X 60
Hp regeneration=End X 24
Sp=End X 60
Sp regeneration=End X 12
Mp=Int X 20
Mp regeneration=Wis X 4
As I look at my health bar I'm emotionally moved.
"...I can finally take a hit without dying like a glass cannon"such is the reason why im move to tears.
"Buts what's enhanced human?"
It's basically a Hunter,that's what separates them from humans...
Ahhhh that's right.
"What happened!?"
Quest added
[luck of the draw]
Objective-reach level 10,000
Rewards-Gacha system
"Holy Jesus...the gacha system.....wait why do I need to be level ten thousand!!Do you have any idea how hard it is to grind!!"
You'll get there in no time:)
"Bullshit I only got 485 levels after destroying 1/4 of Yharnam!".i way but not before the smell of blood hit me making me feel a little bit hungry while I leak out bloodlust.
As I notice what I'm doing i close my eyes and breath out making the strange feeling go away 'So this is how you feel when your drunk on blood'.
Yup even I won't be able to help you do you decide to go mad.
"Then what is gamers mind for if it doesn't do that.
It just nullify any outside interference unless it's tour own mental state.
"So your saying if I decide to go mad on my own accord without someone messing with my head it won't be nullified?"
Yup so please don't do anything stupid.
"Easy for you to say...but for now let's go to our next location.
While I was trying my best to navigate the destroyed cathedral that I accidentally destroyed while running and throwing Molotovs at a scourge beast I decided to go towards the forbidden woods.
You know how you always loved Annalise
"Yea" I answered suspiciously since it came out of nowhere.
Well then here
Quest added
[New ruler of the Vilebloods]
Objective-Make Annalise fall in love with you.
Failure-you forever lost your future wife
As I saw the quest my body naturally moved to the Hemwick Charnel Lane but not before the had to navigate the destroyed cathedral.
As I was heading to the Hemwick Charnel lane an idea popped into my head.
"Hey system"
What and stop calling me system
"Then what do I call you"I cheekily answer back.
Name me
Quest added
[Partners for eternity]
Objective-Name me
Reward-1 free level
"Ahhh"I groan in annoyance before I start thinking seriously about this,after all the system will be with me till I die by something or someone 'but that's the thing what's a good name hmmmm..."
"How about Valerie"
Ehhh I didn't expect you to think this hard about it,but from now on I'm Valerie it's a pleasure to meet you master.
The system or Valerie replied in a feminine voice.
"Ahhh...yea pleasure to work with you to" I stutter due to the change of the genderless voice I was used to.
Quest complete
Leveled up one time.
'Guess any level counts'
"Any way you know how I have fire manipulation"
Yea why.
"Just wondering if I can create minions from fire"
You can but you seriously need to train for that.
"Yup which is why I'm dumping all my points into wisdom"as I finish I dump all my points into wisdom making it nine hundred and sixteen(916).
"Now then let's begin making my personal army...Kuku...hahahahhahahah"I start laughing like a mad man while I start practicing and designing my personal minions.

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