Chapter 1: The Super X

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Authors note: This time instead of Johns father for the second main character we have Cody! Some P.O.V's might be sort sorry.

Johns P.O.V
"A monster by the name of King Ghidorah attacked Redwood, San Francisco, and Las Vegas last year. Another large creature rose from deep beneath the ocean called Godzilla. Many, many people call this ginormous animal, King of the Monsters. If any other monster appears, the military will launch an aircraft called The Super X. They said it took a long time to make this aircraft. But now that it's finally builded, they will defend America and every other country in the world." I was sitting in the living room watching the news for somewhat reason. My mom was working, my dad is at the base, and my sister now is seven, is at her friends house. It's the weekend. I decided to call up Cody to see if he wanted to hang out.

Cody's P.O.V
"Yeah well I did your mother in bed last night. She's good." I was playing Monster Bash 4 on the Xbox talking to this guy who called me an asshole when John called me. "Yo." "Hey man, wanna do something I'm bored." "Yeah sure I'll be there when my mom gets back." "Okay sounds good." "Peace." No I don't think I'm some cool guy thank you very much. "Cody what did I tell you?!" My eight teen year old sister Tracy comes into my room furious. "Hey big sis, how's it goin'?" "Cody shut up, I told you to stop messing with my stuff." "C'mon don't be such a drama queen."

Johns P.O.V
I'm writing my story 'The Day King Ghidorah Rose'. I plan on selling it on store shelves. I get to chapter 4 when I here cheering and clapping. I ran outside to see what the racket was. "Super X. Super X." The crowd was cheering. The Super X was hovering over the neighbourhood. Showing it off. I smiled knowing that it could kill a monster. I wonder if it has people in it operating it.

Cody's P.O.V
"You are staying out here till mom gets back!" Of course, my sister kicks me out of the house. Typical. "Super X. Super X!" "What the asshole is a Super X?" I ask myself as I approch the crowd. "What's that?" I ask. "That right there is the Super X." A man says to me. "What is it?" "It's a hovercraft the military made to defend America and the world from other monsters." "What kinda monsters?" "You know, King Ghidorah, Godzilla." "First, King Ghidorah is dead, second Godzilla protected us from it." "First, There could be another, second Godzilla could have just killed it because it was fighting back. Tahaha, Godzilla isn't a savior. Savior of our city my ass." Man this guy is a jerk.

Johns P.O.V
"Savior of the city my ass." I look to the side to see who that was. I saw Cody looking at a guy pissed off. It looked like he was gonna punch him out. "Cody! What's going on?" "This jerk off said that Godzilla ain't a savior and thinks King Ghidorah will return, and he doesn't know what Justin said." "Who the hell is Justin?" The man asks. "The city's expert." "What did this "Justin" say?" "He believes a much larger creature then King Ghidorah will rise among us and destroy the world." "Ptff guys a werido." The man says walking away.

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