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Dear you,

When times are tough, when the skies go grey, keep your head up.

There are those who love you

Who want you to never give up, and keep trying

I'm one of those people, and I bet there's so many more who care.

I love you.

Please keep fighting.

Make a choice to help yourself, because you're the only person who can do that

I have faith in you.

There will be days where you feel like tearing your hair out out of frustration.

Take deep breathes and say 'it's okay, calm down' out loud

There will be days where you feel like the world is against you

It's not

There will be days where you want to die.

But don't kill yourself.

There are people that love and care for you, even if they don't say so.

You are loved.

You are wanted.

People care about you.

And I'm sure they would hurt really bad if they couldn't see your amazing smile everyday.

Don't do it.

I love you.


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